Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Ranked with overweight people as ennui

There's an issue of another oppressed group , women, by the Bruce Jenner-types. So, Lenin's pronouncement supports criticizing trans -male supremacists .

Also, As far as the rank of groups in social ennui or unhappiness , I'd place trans-genders somewhere around overweight people. It is not a major liberation movement.

Thirdly, the half-oppression of this tiny , tiny minority does not justify destroying the binary gender structure of society ! Are you kidding !

Also , many insane people, as transsexuals are , are oppressed in capitalism, but we don't change fundamental structures of society like gender to accommodate those pitiful few.

Wanda says : "Our society has Real issues regarding racism, which has taken a back seat to transgender, just like during the late 60's and 70's when the issue of civil rights turned to women's rights then gay rights. Racism and sexism should be addressed with precedence. They affect a larger population of people and are Real, not contrived. Transgender, I follow the biological aspect. XX and XY is how humans are born and affects humans hormonally. I don't buy into the concept of a woman trapped into a man's body when I know biologically this person isn't equipped to be female. The issue takes focus off the issues of racism and sexism, which are Real issues for an issue contrived for a small segment who desires to become something they are not equipped to be."

Yvette : "Ikr"

"When Lenin used the phrase 'tribune of the people' he was not playing with words -- every instance of oppression, no matter where it is found in society, is to be fought by the parties of the working class. Cherry-picking the available science to cover ducking the complexity of any of it just translates into "Take a number and stand in line, the Reformists wearing the Red Stars will call you when they are ready."

Response : No cherry picking , but thorough knowledge of the science. That there are only two reproductive sexes is so fundamental to science , it's shocking that you deny it ; positively astonishingly ignorant.

Men who think they are women as male chauvinist oppressors There's an issue of another oppressed group , women, by the Bruce Jenner-types. So, Lenin's pronouncement supports criticizing trans -male supremacists .

Secondly, the half-oppression of this tiny , tiny minority does not justify destroying the binary gender structure of society ! Are you kidding !

Also , many insane people, as transsexuals are , are oppressed in capitalism, but we don't change fundamental structures of society like gender to accommodate those pitiful few.

The obvious Marxist diagnosis of gender dysphoria is that it is a form of alienation. In this case , alienation from ones inborn sex and gender; coupled with being miseducated that sex and gender are determined by a subjective feeling. I realized in the Marxist Theory page war with the trans crazies that it's a form of subjective idealism or _social_ solipsism. Society is an objective reality ( in Lenin's sense in _Materialism and Empirio-Criticism _) to individual subjects as the physical environment is; so is a subject's individual body . Thinking one can determine one's sex and gender by what one thinks is subjective idealism , social solipsism.

Women claiming they are men is not male supremacist. I would classify it as a form of mental illness , but not politically incorrect. Also, most women are not likely to get away with it in very many situations especially without a total body remake . She probably would be ill advised to go in a men's shower , unless she didn't mind special attention.

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