Friday, August 30, 2019

Are all your Facebook friends registered to vote ?

Are all of your fb friends registered and ready to vote Democrat in 2020 and from now on ? 

Don't just vote. _Campaign_ for Democratic votes against Monster Mitch McConnell's Bloodsuckers .

And ultimately We will have to vote him out , because even if impeached by the House, the Senate won't convict . 

Campaign for Democratic votes in 2020 !

Trump is the latest symptom of the Republican Southern Strategy , Powell Memo and Reaganism. The Grand Ole Party has created a monster. 

Campaign for Democratic votes everyday some kinda way. Abolish the Grand Ole Party as we know it.

Elmarie says "Also make a list of 5 ppl ask those 5 ppl to call relatives & friends check with them several times between now & election time; verify their 5 ppl r in fact registered & will vote.  Have then make.sure they can get to polls if they don't drive.  We can get 3 million new voters.  This will work as precinct delegate I can tell u this made a difference the last time ; got Pres elected."
By the way, the main substance of Biden’s statement was excellent anti-racism . He was a white man telling white people that Black children are as smart as white children despite the fact that Black children are on average poorer than white children !

Howie Rifas Non white children are 10 times more likely to be poor, so I’m not so sure that was a real gaffe as much as stark reality.”

CB Howie yes at the time I said Joe speaks the truth in his inimitable way. 

Is it a gaffe or a left handed way of telling the truth: Statistically , IN FACT, Black median wealth _is_ 1/10thwhite wealth : 

Just admit it’s a mistake and teach the 10’s of millions of white Democrats who have the same stereotype . 

Or is it a factual mistake ? 

Also, statistically , median Black wealth is 1/10th white wealth , so the stereotype is actually the reality . Wake up to that .

Could be a media created  thing where they call out more of Biden’s misstatement  while he was VP, so now they use the word gaffe more to describe his speeches, and don’t use the word when other candidates make mistakes . For example , Sanders saying he marched with MLK was a gaffe to the audience he was speaking to , but the media didn’t put it on a Sanders gaffe count list.

Another thing is a huge percentage of American voters like intellectual flaws in their candidates, sort of folksiness. So, it might be a bit on purpose by Biden. Reagan got over big with his folksy talk full of gaffes.  In my opinion, Bush the younger faked a lot of folksiness and gaffes to appeal to that Reaganite dumbed down loving  crowd . Trump is dumbed down squared , low brow maximum. 

Many people were envious of Obama’s obvious brilliance

Jesse Jackson once said that George Wallace told him to keep his speeches “down where the goats can get it “ , meaning at the grassroots ( Wallace had much reconciliation with Black people in his late career; Blacks in Alabama supported him in his late career election ) . Detroit City Council politicians  rhetoric is “simpler” than their thinking. They hold on to grammatical mistakes on purpose.

Sent from my iPhone

Talk to people in the grocery store.

Get a bumper sticker and lawn sign.

Campaign for Democrats , door-to-door , letters to the editor, phone bank. Facebook talk is worthless if we don't get 100 other people to vote Blue.

Mary says : "Especially in those states where they are closing DMV offices in specific counties to make it more difficult to vote whereas in some of these areas there are more stringent and unconstitutional voter id rules.  Set up ride-share campaigns to take people to offices to get their ID and register to vote."

We need daily canvassing and electioneering  in the neighborhoods and streets by self-acting rank and file Democratic activists. Where can we communicate with our voters ; start now to turn them out against Republicans using all the bad press on Republicans now.

Deputize yourself and build your own network of Democratic voters.


Are all of your fb friends registered and ready to vote Democrat in 2020 and from now on ? 

Don't just vote. _Campaign_ for Democratic votes against Monster Mitch McConnell's Bloodsuckers .

And ultimately We will have to vote him out , because even if impeached by the House, the Senate won't convict . 

Campaign for Democratic votes in 2020 !

Trump is the latest symptom of the Republican Southern Strategy , Powell Memo and Reaganism. The Grand Ole Party has created a monster. 

Campaign for Democratic votes everyday some kinda way. Abolish the Grand Ole Party as we know it.

Elmarie says "Also make a list of 5 ppl ask those 5 ppl to call relatives & friends check with them several times between now & election time; verify their 5 ppl r in fact registered & will vote.  Have then make.sure they can get to polls if they don't drive.  We can get 3 million new voters.  This will work as precinct delegate I can tell u this made a difference the last time ; got Pres elected."

Talk to people in the grocery store.

Get a bumper sticker and lawn sign.

Campaign for Democrats , door-to-door , letters to the editor, phone bank. Facebook talk is worthless if we don't get 100 other people to vote Blue.

Mary says : "Especially in those states where they are closing DMV offices in specific counties to make it more difficult to vote whereas in some of these areas there are more stringent and unconstitutional voter id rules.  Set up ride-share campaigns to take people to offices to get their ID and register to vote."

We need daily canvassing and electioneering  in the neighborhoods and streets by self-acting rank and file Democratic activists. Where can we communicate with our voters ; start now to turn them out against Republicans using all the bad press on Republicans now.

Deputize yourself and build your own network of Democratic voters.

American youth cult ; respect your elders

There’s  a cult of youth in America that makes youth a bit narcissistic and spoiled . Youth does not make one superior to elders, though American elders participate in the youth cult, too !

We need more filial piety as Chinese culture has.

Martin Luther King’s Dream has not come true ; stop claiming King , America

King’s Dream has not come true , but been thwarted and he was assassinated, America .  Stop taking credit for King’s speech , America . We’ve been going through the Reaganite racist nightmare, the new racism ,  for almost 40 years .  Trump has turned it into a 24 hour nightmare .


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Republicans violate Declaration of Independence

Republicans violate the Declaration of Independence 

As per the Declaration of Independence ,  American government is instituted to SECURE LIFE for all, meaning a livelihood, job , income, survival, THRIVING   ( not anti-abortion )

Thus , Social SECURITY is a direct fulfillment of the promise of the Declaration of Independence 

The purpose of government in America : "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.- _That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men_ , deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,..."p

Republicans violate the Declaration of Independence

As per the Declaration of Independence ,  American government is instituted to SECURE LIFE for all, meaning a livelihood, job , income, survival, THRIVING ( not anti-abortion )

Thus , Social SECURITY is a direct fulfillment of the promise of the Declaration of Independence

The purpose of government in America : "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.- _That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men_ , deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,..."p

God in the Declaration of Independence: Right to a Job

For those looking for God in Our America's Founding Fathers' plan for Us, the Declaration of Independence makes the government the security  of CREATOR - given rights  to survive and seek thriving , happiness , Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness .

The purpose of government in America : "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their _Creator_ with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.- That to _secure_ these rights, Governments are instituted among Men , deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,..."

Large Democratic field: People's convention historically democratic, small "d' ; Democratic Party Pluralism , E Pluribus Unum: it's on the money .

Charles Brown

11:18 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Horace :" Now let us get a few more to drop and announce for a senate run."

Many Dems running know they won't win, but they can start their reelection campaign early and express their constituents' sharp disapproval of the Republican Prez.

That so many are running is a good sign that professional politicians sense that the Republican President can be beaten

 Some are running for Vice President .
Some for the Senate .

Yes it's like a rolling year long People's convention really historically democratic , small "d." Democratic Party Pluralism , E Pluribus Unum: it's on the money .

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Relation implication and universal quantifier ; Reductio ad absurdum

Wikipedia; Formal logic

"There is a big difference between the kinds of formulas seen in traditional term logic and the predicate calculus that is the fundamental advance of modern logic. The formula A(P,Q) (all Ps are Qs) of traditional logic corresponds to the more complex formula xPxQx{\displaystyle \forall x(P(x)\rightarrow Q(x))} in predicate logic, involving the logical connectives for universal quantification and implication rather than just the predicate letter A and using variable arguments PxP(x) where traditional logic uses just the term letter P. With the complexity comes power, and the advent of the predicate calculus inaugurated revolutionary growth of the subject.

Inference is not to be confused with implication. An implication is a sentence of the form 'If p then q', and can be true or false.  The Stoic logician Philo of Megara was the first to define the truth conditions of such an implication: false only when the antecedent p is true and the consequent q is false, in all other cases true. An inference, on the other hand, consists of two separately asserted propositions of the form 'p therefore q'. An inference is not true or false, but valid or invalid. However, there is a connection between implication and inference, as follows: if the implication 'if p then q' is true, the inference 'p therefore q' is valid. This was given an apparently paradoxical formulation by Philo, who said that the implication 'if it is day, it is night' is true only at night, so the inference 'it is day, therefore it is night' is valid in the night, but not in the day.
The theory of inference (or 'consequences') was systematically developed in medieval times by logicians such as William of Ockhamand Walter Burley. It is uniquely medieval, though it has its origins in Aristotle's Topics and BoethiusDe Syllogismis hypotheticis. This is why many terms in logic are Latin. For example, the rule that licenses the move from the implication 'if p then q' plus the assertion of its antecedent p, to the assertion of the consequent q is known as modus ponens(or 'mode of positing'). Its Latin formulation is 'Posito antecedente ponitur consequens'. The Latin formulations of many other rules such as 'ex falso quodlibet' (anything follows from a falsehood), 'reductio ad absurdum' (disproof by showing the consequence is absurd) also date from this period."

Capitalism weaponizes scientific advances

Capitalism weaponizes scientific advances , including Einstein underlying nuclear weapons, the absolute most dangerous threat of human species extinction . His formula revealed how much force is released by splitting atoms .

In the big picture, he is something of a Sorcerer's Apprentice, who unleashed powers that got out of his control. 

Global warming is capitalism, Western Civilization,  burning too much. Evidently, the Greek gods were prophetic in branding Prometheus a Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Obama's dark skin and white skin color privilege

Barack Obama's mother was white , and he was raised by white people. Is he white or Black ?

There is a sense in which Obama was raised white but became Black by learning and moving to   Black people later in life.

Importantly, Obama is brown skinned ! He can't be white. It doesn't work both ways in the American system. Light skinned people can be Black, but dark skinned people can't be white. This asymmetry is the crux of the white supremacy here.

The Entrepreurial Spirit is inadequate for all to survive and thrive

Only about one out of ten can be the entrepreneurs. 9 out of ten have to be the employees of the entrepreneur. So, entrepreneurship is NOT an economic
solution for 90% of the population. 99% !  Can't have most people selling each other hamburgers as an adequate political economic system.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit is inadequate to provide for all , for all to survive and THRIVE !

W.E.B. Dubois : Black Folk have two Souls

W.E.B. Dubois , America's foremost philosopher and Black philosopher was famous for his idea that Black People have TWO souls- one Black and one WHITE . Let me repeat :  To be a Black American is to be both Black AND WHITE. Black people have to learn white ways to survive, get work, get service , etc. as it is the dominant manner. White people have only a white "soul".  To be Black , they need to gain a Black "soul" in the sense of culture and language, music, food, extended family .

Obama's dark skin in America

Barack Obama's mother was white , and he was raised by white people. Is he white or Black ?

There is a sense in which Obama was raised white but became Black by learning and moving to   Black people later in life.

Importantly, Obama is brown skinned ! He can't be white. It doesn't work both ways in the American system. Light skinned people can be Black, but dark skinned people can't be white. This asymmetry is the crux of the white supremacy here.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

An Interview With Marshall Sahlins: The Destruction of Conscience in the National Academy of Sciences by David H. Price

An Interview With Marshall Sahlins: The Destruction of Conscience in the National Academy of Sciences
by David H. Price
Last Friday, esteemed University of Chicago anthropologist Marshall Sahlins formally resigned from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the United States’ most prestigious scientific society.
Sahlins states that he resigned because of his “objections to the election of [Napoleon] Chagnon, and to the military research projects of the Academy.” Sahlins was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1991. He issued the below statement explaining his resignation:
“By the evidence of his own writings as well as the testimony of others, including Amazonian peoples and professional scholars of the region, Chagnon has done serious harm to the indigenous communities among whom he did research. At the same time, his “scientific” claims about human evolution and the genetic selection for male violence–as in the notorious study he published in 1988 in Science–have proven to be shallow and baseless, much to the discredit of the anthropological discipline. At best, his election to the NAS was a large moral and intellectual blunder on the part of members of the Academy. So much so that my own participation in the Academy has become an embarrassment.
Nor do I wish to be a party to the aid, comfort, and support the NAS is giving to social science research on improving the combat performance of the US military, given the toll that military has taken on the blood, treasure, and happiness of American people, and the suffering it has imposed on other peoples in the unnecessary wars of this century. I believe that the NAS, if it involves itself at all in related research, should be studying how to promote peace, not how to make war.”
Napoleon Chagnon rose to fame after his fieldwork among the Yanomami (also known as Yanomamo) in the rainforests of northeastern South America’s Orinoco Basin in the 1960s and 70s. He wrote a bestselling ethnography used in introductory anthropology classes around the world, describing the Yanomami as “the fierce people” because of the high levels of intra- and inter-group warfare observed during his fieldwork, warfare that he would describe as innate and as representing humankind in some sort of imagined natural state.
Chagnon, is currently basking in the limelight of a national book tour, pitching a memoir (Nobel Savages) in which he castes the bulk of American anthropologists as soft-skulled anti-science postmodern cretins embroiled in a war against science.
The truth is that outside of the distortion field of the New York Times and a few other media vortexes, there is no “science war” raging in anthropology. Instead the widespread rejection of Chagnon’s work among many anthropologists has everything to do with the low quality of his research. On his blog, Anthropomics, anthropologist Jon Marks recently described Chagnon as an “incompetent anthropologist,” adding:
“Let me be clear about my use of the word “incompetent”. His methods for collecting, analyzing and interpreting his data are outside the range of acceptable anthropological practices. Yes, he saw the Yanomamo doing nasty things. But when he concluded from his observations that the Yanomamo are innately and primordially “fierce” he lost his anthropological credibility, because he had not demonstrated any such thing. He has a right to his views, as creationists and racists have a right to theirs, but the evidence does not support the conclusion, which makes it scientifically incompetent.”
The widely shared rejection of Chagnon’s interpretations among anthropologists comes from the shoddy quality of his work and the sociobiological nature of his analysis, not with an opposition to science.
Among Chagnon’s most dogged critics was my dissertation chair, anthropologist Marvin Harris, himself an arch positivist and a staunch advocate of the scientific method, yet Harris rejected Chagnon and his sociobiological findings in fierce academic debates that lasted for decades, not because Harris was anti-science, but because Chagnon was a bad scientist (I should note that Harris and Sahlins also famously feuded over fundamental theoretical differences; yet both shared common ground objecting to the militarization of the discipline, and rejecting Chagnon’s sociobiological work).
I suppose if there really were battles within anthropology between imagined camps embracing and rejecting science, I would be about as firmly in the camp of science as anyone; but if such divisions actually existed, I would be no closer to accepting the validity and reliability (the hallmarks of good science) of Chagnon’s findings than those imagined to reject the foundations of science.
In 2000, there was of course a huge painful crisis within the American Anthropological Association following the publication of Patrick Tierney’s book Darkness in El Dorado, in which numerous accusations of exploitation (and worse) were leveled against Chagnon and other anthropologists working with the Yanomami (see Barbara Rose Johnston’s essay on the José Padilha’s film, Secrets of the Tribe). weaponprice Without detailing all the twists and turns involved in establishing the wreckage of Chagnon and the paucity of his claims, suffice it to say that the choice of offering one of the select seats in the National Academy of Sciences’ Section 51 to Dr. Chagnon is an affront to a broad range of anthropologists, be they self-identified as scientists or not.
Marshall Sahlins’ resignation is an heroic stand against the subversion of science to those claiming an innate nature of human violence, and a stand opposing the increasing militarization of science. While Sahlins’ credentials as an activist opposing the militarization of knowledge are well established—he is widely recognized as the creator of the “teach-in,” organizing the February 1965 University of Michigan teach-in—it still must have been difficult for him to resign this prestigious position.
In late 1965 Sahlins traveled to Vietnam to learn firsthand about the war and the Americans fighting it, work that resulted in his seminal essay “The Destruction of Conscience in Vietnam.” He became one of the clearest and most forceful anthropological voices speaking out against efforts (in the 1960s and 70s, and in again in post-9/11 America) to militarize anthropology.
In 2009 I was part of a conference at the University of Chicago critically examining renewed efforts by U.S. military and intelligence agencies to use anthropological data for counterinsurgency projects. Sahlins’ paper at the conference argued that, “in Vietnam, the famous anti-insurgency strategy was search and destroy; here it is research and destroy. One might think it good news that the military’s appropriation of anthropological theory is incoherent, simplistic and outmoded – not to mention tedious – even as its ethnographic protocols for learning the local society and culture amount to unworkable fantasies. ”
Yesterday, Sahlins sent me an email that had been circulated to NAS Section 51 (Anthropology) members, announcing two new “consensus projects” under sponsorship of the Army Research Institute. The first project examined “The Context of Military Environments: Social and Organizational Factors,” the second, “Measuring Human Capabilities: Performance Potential of Individuals and Collectives.” Reading the announcement of these projects forwarded by Sahlins, it is apparent that the military wants the help of social scientists who can streamline military operations, using social science and social engineering to enable interchangeable units of people working on military projects to smoothly interface. This seems to be increasingly becoming the role Americans see for anthropologists and other social scientists: that of military facilitator.
Below is the exchange, I had with Sahlins yesterday discussing his resignation, Chagnon’s election to the National Academy of Sciences, and the Academy’s links to military projects.
Price: How has Chagnon so successfully turned numerous attacks on his ethically troubling research and scientifically questionable methods and findings into what is widely seen as an attack on science itself?
Sahlins: There has been no address of the issues on Chagnon’s part, notably of the criticism of his supposed empirical results, as in the 1988 Science article, and the numerous criticisms from Amazonian anthropologists of his shallow ethnography and villainously distorted portrayal of Yanomami. These Cro-Chagnon scientists simply refuse to discuss the facts of the ethnographic case. Instead they issue ad hominem attacks–before it was against the Marxists, now it is the ‘fuzzy-headed humanists.’ Meanwhile they try to make it an ideological anti-science persecution–again ironically as a diversion from discussing the empirical findings. Meanwhile the serious harm, bodily and emotionally, inflicted on the Yanomami, plus the reckless instigation of war by his field methods, are completely ignored in the name of science. Research and destroy, as I called the method. A total moral copout.
Price: Most of the publicity surrounding your resignation from the National Academy of Sciences focuses either exclusively on Napoleon Chagnon’s election to the Association, or on the supposed “science wars” in anthropology, while little media attention has focused on your statements opposing the NAS’s increasing links to military projects. What were the reactions within NAS Section 51 to the October 2012 call to members of the Academy to conduct research aimed at improving the military’s mission effectiveness?
Sahlins: The National Association of Science would not itself do the war research. It would rather enlist recruits from its sections–as in the section 51 memos–and probably thus participate in the vetting of reports before publication. The National Research Council organizes the actual research, obviously in collaboration with the NAS. Here is another tentacle of the militarization of anthropology and other social sciences, of which the Human Terrain Systems is a familiar example. This one as insidious as it is perfidious.
Price: Was there any internal dialogue between members of NAS Section 51 when these calls for these new Army Research Institute funded projects were issued?
Sahlins: I was not privy to any correspondence, whether to the Section officers or between the fellows, if there was any–which I don’t know.
Price: What, if any reaction have you had from other NAS members?
Sahlins: Virtually none. One said I was always opposed to sociobiology
Price: To combine themes embedded in Chagnon’s claims of human nature, and the National Academy of Sciences supporting to social science for American military projects; can you comment on the role of science and scientific societies in a culture as centrally dominated by military culture as ours?
Sahlins: There is a paragraph or two in my pamphlet on The Western Illusion of Human Nature, of which I have no copy on hand, which cites Rumsfeld to the effect (paraphrasing Full Metal Jacket) that inside every Middle eastern Muslim there’s an American ready to come out, a self-interested freedom loving American, and we just have to force it out or force out the demons who are perpetrating other ideas [see page 42 of Sahlins; The Western Illusions of Human Nature]. Isn’t American global policy, especially neo-con policy, based on the confusion of capitalist greed and human nature? Just got to liberate them from their mistaken, externally imposed ideologies. For the alternative see the above mentioned pamphlet on the one true universal, kinship, and the little book I published last month: What Kinship Is–And Is Not.
Price: You mention a desire to shift funding streams from those offering military support, to those supporting peace. Do you have any insight on how we can work to achieve this shift?
Sahlins: I have not thought about it, probably because the idea that the National Academy of Sciences would so such a thing is essentially unthinkable today.
There is a rising international response supporting Sahlins’ stance. Marshall shared with me a message he received form Professor, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, of the National Museum, Rio de Janeiro, in which de Castro wrote,
“Chagnon’s writings on the Yanomami of Amazonia have contributed powerfully to reinforce the worst prejudices against this indigenous people, who certainly do not need the kind of stereotyping pseudo-scientific anthropology Chagnon has chosen to pursue at their cost. The Yanomami are anything but the nasty, callous sociobiological robots Chagnon makes them look – projecting, in all likelihood, his perception of his own society (or personality) onto the Yanomami. They are an indigenous people who have managed, against all odds, to survive in their traditional ways in an Amazonia increasingly threatened by social and environmental destruction. Their culture is original, robust and inventive; their society is infinitely less “violent” than Brazilian or American societies.
Virtually all anthropologists who have worked with the Yanomami, many of them with far larger field experience with this people than Chagnon, find his research methods objectionable (to put it mildly) and his ethnographic characterizations fantastic. Chagnon’s election to the NAS does not do honor to American science nor to anthropology as a discipline, and it also bodes ill to the Yanomami. As far as I am concerned, I deem Chagnon an enemy of Amazonian Indians. I can only thank Prof. Sahlins for his courageous and firm position in support of the Yanomami and of anthropological science.”
We are left to wonder what is to become of science, whether practiced with a capital (at times blind) “S” or a lower case inquisitive variety, when those questioning some its practices, misapplications and outcomes are increasingly marginalized, while those whose findings align with our broader cultural values of warfare are embraced. The NAS’s rallying around such a divisive figure as Chagnon, demonizing his critics, claiming they are attacking not his practices and theories, but science itself damages the credibility of these scientists. It is unfortunate that the National Academy of Sciences has backed itself into this corner.
The dynamics of such divisiveness are not unique to this small segment of the scientific community. In his 1966 essay on, “The Destruction of Conscience in Vietnam,” Sahlins argued that to continue wage the war, America had to destroy its own conscience—that facing those destroyed by our actions was too much for the nation to otherwise bare, writing: “Conscience must be destroyed: it has to end at the barrel of a gun, it cannot extend to the bullet. So all peripheral rationales fade into the background. It becomes a war of transcendent purpose, and in such a war all efforts on the side of Good are virtuous, and all deaths unfortunate necessary. The end justifies the means.”
It is a tragic state of affairs when good people of conscience see the only acceptable act before them to be that of resignation; but sometimes the choice of disassociation is the strongest statement one can courageously make.
David Price a professor of anthropology at Saint Martin’s University in Lacey, Washington. He is the author of Weaponizing Anthropology: Social Science in Service of the Militarized State published by CounterPunch Books.

Content is copyright © by the authors, websites, or companies that originally published and/or wrote the text of this document.
Page design and layout is copyright © 2015, Douglas W. Hume.
Last updated: 09/21/2015 00:39:53

Monday, May 6, 2019

Imperialism in severe decay, self-destruction from sharpening , internal contradictions

Imperialism is in severe decay, self-destruction from sharpening of internal contradictions . 

1. Trump is destroying the finance monopoly capitalist Republican fascist party from inside. 

2. Trump is undermining the current and planned future of imperialist free trade regime  by establishing anti-Free Trade tariffs and dropping the planned T.P.P.

3. Trump is undermining the imperialist military alliance , NATO.

4. Britain is undermining the junior partner free trade regime , the E.U. 

Thoughts on 2020 campaign , Democrats and "politician" as a pejorative, et al.

I love the Democrats . They've had a difficult task since Reagan when a big majority of Americans became heavy duty rightwingers-anti-Liberals. Democrats have had to tiptoe around for 40 years 

I'm an Obama Democrat !

Our stage one of our ideals, our ideology is substantially written in _Dreams from My Father_ by Barack Obama . It is a very old American Dream really; Martin Luther King's Dream . .. Even Langston Hughes's dreams . 

Obama the true Constitutionalist, uses Executive Power to make a more perfect union, as in the Preamble.

Paul Robeson's imaginings in Ballad for Americans

True (not phony ) Leftists are Obamaists in this period of American history. Obama achieved the first and only reversals of Reaganism that could be won in a Reaganite dominated polity. Reversal of Reaganism is the main task of Leftists in this period. Biden is a continuation of Obamism.  True Leftist means for the best interest of the working class , the 99% that are winnable now. The number one task of Leftists today is to defeat the fascist Republicans . Biden is not only a continuation of Obamaism , he can win Michigan, Wisconsin , Pennsylvania and maybe Ohio with the recent plantclosings , the states we have to flip back Democrat to beat Trump

Dogmatically attributing a bad connotation to politics and politicians or "politicizing an issue by appealing to voters" is  a major flaw in Americans thinking and major media framing .  Most issues are supposed to be politically appealed  to the masses of voters in a democracy.

Dems have to work on universal healthcare and other bread and butter bills    , but they can't pass them into law until We win Democratic President and majority Senate in 2020. 

Campaign for Democratic votes everyday some kinda way .

Doing impeachment deliberately , prudently will win votes for Dems in 2020.

In a criminal conspiracy , the conspirators do not have to succeed at their crime. The Nixon Watergate burglars were caught ( by a Black security guard ). They failed to steal documents from the Democratic Party headquarters . But they were still guilty because they had taken at least one act in furtherance of the conspiracy. 

Similarly , Trumpy's conspiracy does not have to succeed for him to be guilty of criminal conspiracy . 

Furthermore , Nixon's conspiracy did not influence the result of the 1972 election , because it failed and Nixon was way ahead anyway . 

Similarly , Trump's conspiracy with the Russians 
does not have to have made the difference in the election of 2016 in Trump's favor for his conspiracy crime to be a High Crime or Misdemeanor.

That's what I've been saying for months. All the indictments and convictions of Trumpy's agents and employees are circumstantial evidence that a jury could find prove Trump was in a criminal conspiracy with Russia. Trump saying Russia I hope you get the emails is _direct_ evidence along with the circumstantial evidence really could be found as proof beyond a reasonable doubt . And certainly the House could find that Trump is guilty of a High Crime or Misdemeanor .

CB: They were investigating conspiracy which means they had to have at least probable cause evidence of conspiracy to even investigate . "Collusion " is not a crime , so they weren't investigating collusion. The indictments and conviction of Trumpy's co-conspirators is evidence that Trump conspired .

Judge Nap (of Foc News !): There’s ‘Undoubtedly Some Evidence of Conspiracy and Some Evidence of Obstruction’

 think the CIA has a prohibition on the media acknowledging any government conspiracies . 
They're all "conspiracy theories " , that is supposed crazy ideas. 

Through the whole Trumpy Saga there has been an ongoing struggle to even call what is being investigated a conspiracy .  Most commentators are disciplined to use "collusion" which is not a crime so wouldn't be the basis for in investigation .

Race and sex of candidates matter some. It was very important that such a large minority of whites people voted for a Black liberal person , brown skinned ,Barack Obama for President . It was a 
major blow against racism , for the end of racism is a change in White peoples behavior toward Black and Brown people; and voting for a Black President was White people making Black history. 

It's still important to get majorities voting for Women and People of Color from now on.

Ethics is how we treat each other which can be can be discussed concretely. Ethics is in the form of rules of behavior , custom , tradition , law, culture in the anthropological sense ( speaking of anthropological psychology ). Do's and don'ts of how we treat each other , morality . Ethics is what is to be done socially

Barry : "Socrates predicted this kind of a disaster."

CB : This is minority -oligarchic rule by Republicans, not majority-democratic rule.

Barry : "Did you know that the citizens of Athens voted to convict Socrates of the crime of teaching the youth of Athens how to think?  They literally voted him off the island."

CB : Think what ? How can somebody who is self-proclaimed not wise teach youth how to think good thoughts ?

Barry : "How to think critically."

CB: Asking questions is only a beginning of thinking . Answering your own questions is where thought becomes whole and truth finding.

Margareta "Barry Kort it’s true. Misinformation is the problem. There should always be a fact checker on those podiums so that people know the true facts of any issue or all details to make an intelligent decision. (For those who think)"

Margareta : "self proclaimed doesn’t mean he was stupid.
But the other guys also figured out how to keep people  dumb by kicking the thinker out."

CB : I know all about how smart Socrates ( Plato) was -a real slickster for the Greek ruling class, Margarita Pacheco. His "Republic " had a philosopher King . Smart Dictator

Margarita : "im not sure what you are trying to tell me. Could you word it a little differently? I can be dense sometimes."

"Socrates " as we know him is a character in Plato's writings . We have little or nothing directly from Socrates. So , "Socrates" is really Plato. We know Plato's politics because he wrote "The Republic", revealing himself as a mouthpiece of the Greek ruling class of his time . The head of state in the book is a "philosopher -King" philosopher like Plato; smart propagandized of the masses expropriating some legendary do gooder philosopher against the rulers; Plato is a real wolf in sheep's clothing . 

Anyway a philosopher-King is smart -dictators. Kings are dictators .

Clinton won NY as expected . Mich, Penn, Wisconsin were supposed to go blue but didn't . If we flip them back blue , we win , because none of the states that went for Clinton will go for Trumpy in 2020.

Michigan , Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were in the anti-Trump blue wave in 2018 ; Biden is ahead of Trump in a Michigan poll; Detroit will be turning out bigger against Trump in 2020 than in 2016, and we're a big part of Michigan vote .  Biden is lunch bucket Joe that should appeal to some autoworkers and steelworkers . Etc.

Study on fake news making the difference against Clinton


Sun, Apr 7, 7:08 PM
to me
Clayton Hill: A study from researchers at Ohio State University found that fake news probably played a significant role in depressing Hillary Clinton's support on Election Day. The study suggests that about 4 percent of President Barack Obama's 2012 supporters were dissuaded from voting for Clinton in 2016 by belief in fake news stories.

Three popular fake news stories from the 2016 campaign into a 281-question YouGov survey were given to a sample that included 585 Obama supporters — 23 percent of whom didn't vote for Clinton, either by abstaining or picking another candidate (10 percent voted Trump, which is in line with other estimates).

Here are the false stories, along with the percentages of Obama supporters who believed they were at least “probably” true (in parenthesis):

1. Clinton was in “very poor health due to a serious illness” (12 percent)
2. Pope Francis endorsed Trump (8 percent)
3. Clinton approved weapons sales to Islamic jihadists, “including ISIS” (20 percent)

Overall about one-quarter of 2012 Obama voters believed at least one of these stories, and of that group 45 percent voted for Clinton. Of those who believed none of the fake news stories, 89 percent voted for Clinton.

The result: Clinton lost 4.2 percent more of Obama's votes in the race with fake news vs. a hypothetical race without it.

Multiply that 4.2 percent drop-off by Obama's 2012 vote share in the three key states that delivered the presidency to Trump, it suggests that fake news cost Clinton about 2.2 or 2.3 points apiece in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And Clinton lost Michigan by just 0.2 points and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by 0.72 and 0.76 points, respectively.

The survey also notably doesn't measure what effect fake news might have had on increasing Trump's support, instead only focusing on how it depressed Clinton's. That could increase the shift. But even with this limited purview, it suggests it made a significant difference.

And it suggests it may well have cost Clinton the presidency.

Tя☭mp's reelection will depend on again winning the formerly Democratic states in the Upper Midwest that he surprisingly captured in 2016.

Unfortunately for Trump, the economic news in two of those states isn’t as good as in the nation as a whole.

Michigan and Pennsylvania are not sharing in the national gains quite so much. Their unemployment rates are above the national average, and rates are even higher in the regions that propelled Trump to victory.

 In Pennsylvania, for example, that’s the regions of Scranton-Wilkes Barre, Johnstown and Williamsport. Their unemployment rates all remain at or above 5 percent as of February.

That’s down a point or so from when Trump took office, but it’s not “great again” either. It’s probably not a surprise, then, that Republicans didn’t mount a serious challenge for either major statewide race, lost four House seats in the midterms, and won another three seats with less than 52 percent of the vote.

A recent Emerson poll also shows that Trump would lose Pennsylvania by 10 points to either former vice president Joe Biden or Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

In Michigan, his margin was large swings in blue-collar areas such as Flint, Saginaw and Bay City. He was the first Republican presidential candidate to carry either Saginaw County or Bay County since President Ronald Reagan in 1984.

But these counties’ economies have barely improved from January 2017 to this year, with unemployment rates dropping only about a point from a shade higher than 6 percent to a bit more than 5 percent. Again, an improvement, but not a boom.

The situation is much worse in non-metropolitan Michigan. These areas, mainly in the northern “thumb” and the Upper Peninsula, gave Trump his largest swings over Mitt Romney’s percentages in 2012.

These areas more than anywhere fueled his narrow 11,000-vote victory. But their economies have gotten worse, not better, since Trump took office.

In January 2017, non-metro Michigan had a 6.8 percent unemployment rate. In February 2019, that rate is now at 7 percent.

Imperialism is in severe decay, self-destruction from sharpening of internal contradictions .

1. Trump is destroying the finance monopoly capitalist Republican fascist party from inside.

2. Trump is undermining the current and planned future of imperialist free trade regime  by establishing anti-Free Trade tariffs and dropping the planned T.P.P.

3. Trump is undermining the imperialist military alliance , NATO.

4. Britain is undermining the junior partner free trade regime , the E.U.