Monday, May 6, 2019

Thoughts on 2020 campaign , Democrats and "politician" as a pejorative, et al.

I love the Democrats . They've had a difficult task since Reagan when a big majority of Americans became heavy duty rightwingers-anti-Liberals. Democrats have had to tiptoe around for 40 years 

I'm an Obama Democrat !

Our stage one of our ideals, our ideology is substantially written in _Dreams from My Father_ by Barack Obama . It is a very old American Dream really; Martin Luther King's Dream . .. Even Langston Hughes's dreams . 

Obama the true Constitutionalist, uses Executive Power to make a more perfect union, as in the Preamble.

Paul Robeson's imaginings in Ballad for Americans

True (not phony ) Leftists are Obamaists in this period of American history. Obama achieved the first and only reversals of Reaganism that could be won in a Reaganite dominated polity. Reversal of Reaganism is the main task of Leftists in this period. Biden is a continuation of Obamism.  True Leftist means for the best interest of the working class , the 99% that are winnable now. The number one task of Leftists today is to defeat the fascist Republicans . Biden is not only a continuation of Obamaism , he can win Michigan, Wisconsin , Pennsylvania and maybe Ohio with the recent plantclosings , the states we have to flip back Democrat to beat Trump

Dogmatically attributing a bad connotation to politics and politicians or "politicizing an issue by appealing to voters" is  a major flaw in Americans thinking and major media framing .  Most issues are supposed to be politically appealed  to the masses of voters in a democracy.

Dems have to work on universal healthcare and other bread and butter bills    , but they can't pass them into law until We win Democratic President and majority Senate in 2020. 

Campaign for Democratic votes everyday some kinda way .

Doing impeachment deliberately , prudently will win votes for Dems in 2020.

In a criminal conspiracy , the conspirators do not have to succeed at their crime. The Nixon Watergate burglars were caught ( by a Black security guard ). They failed to steal documents from the Democratic Party headquarters . But they were still guilty because they had taken at least one act in furtherance of the conspiracy. 

Similarly , Trumpy's conspiracy does not have to succeed for him to be guilty of criminal conspiracy . 

Furthermore , Nixon's conspiracy did not influence the result of the 1972 election , because it failed and Nixon was way ahead anyway . 

Similarly , Trump's conspiracy with the Russians 
does not have to have made the difference in the election of 2016 in Trump's favor for his conspiracy crime to be a High Crime or Misdemeanor.

That's what I've been saying for months. All the indictments and convictions of Trumpy's agents and employees are circumstantial evidence that a jury could find prove Trump was in a criminal conspiracy with Russia. Trump saying Russia I hope you get the emails is _direct_ evidence along with the circumstantial evidence really could be found as proof beyond a reasonable doubt . And certainly the House could find that Trump is guilty of a High Crime or Misdemeanor .

CB: They were investigating conspiracy which means they had to have at least probable cause evidence of conspiracy to even investigate . "Collusion " is not a crime , so they weren't investigating collusion. The indictments and conviction of Trumpy's co-conspirators is evidence that Trump conspired .

Judge Nap (of Foc News !): There’s ‘Undoubtedly Some Evidence of Conspiracy and Some Evidence of Obstruction’

 think the CIA has a prohibition on the media acknowledging any government conspiracies . 
They're all "conspiracy theories " , that is supposed crazy ideas. 

Through the whole Trumpy Saga there has been an ongoing struggle to even call what is being investigated a conspiracy .  Most commentators are disciplined to use "collusion" which is not a crime so wouldn't be the basis for in investigation .

Race and sex of candidates matter some. It was very important that such a large minority of whites people voted for a Black liberal person , brown skinned ,Barack Obama for President . It was a 
major blow against racism , for the end of racism is a change in White peoples behavior toward Black and Brown people; and voting for a Black President was White people making Black history. 

It's still important to get majorities voting for Women and People of Color from now on.

Ethics is how we treat each other which can be can be discussed concretely. Ethics is in the form of rules of behavior , custom , tradition , law, culture in the anthropological sense ( speaking of anthropological psychology ). Do's and don'ts of how we treat each other , morality . Ethics is what is to be done socially

Barry : "Socrates predicted this kind of a disaster."

CB : This is minority -oligarchic rule by Republicans, not majority-democratic rule.

Barry : "Did you know that the citizens of Athens voted to convict Socrates of the crime of teaching the youth of Athens how to think?  They literally voted him off the island."

CB : Think what ? How can somebody who is self-proclaimed not wise teach youth how to think good thoughts ?

Barry : "How to think critically."

CB: Asking questions is only a beginning of thinking . Answering your own questions is where thought becomes whole and truth finding.

Margareta "Barry Kort it’s true. Misinformation is the problem. There should always be a fact checker on those podiums so that people know the true facts of any issue or all details to make an intelligent decision. (For those who think)"

Margareta : "self proclaimed doesn’t mean he was stupid.
But the other guys also figured out how to keep people  dumb by kicking the thinker out."

CB : I know all about how smart Socrates ( Plato) was -a real slickster for the Greek ruling class, Margarita Pacheco. His "Republic " had a philosopher King . Smart Dictator

Margarita : "im not sure what you are trying to tell me. Could you word it a little differently? I can be dense sometimes."

"Socrates " as we know him is a character in Plato's writings . We have little or nothing directly from Socrates. So , "Socrates" is really Plato. We know Plato's politics because he wrote "The Republic", revealing himself as a mouthpiece of the Greek ruling class of his time . The head of state in the book is a "philosopher -King" philosopher like Plato; smart propagandized of the masses expropriating some legendary do gooder philosopher against the rulers; Plato is a real wolf in sheep's clothing . 

Anyway a philosopher-King is smart -dictators. Kings are dictators .

Clinton won NY as expected . Mich, Penn, Wisconsin were supposed to go blue but didn't . If we flip them back blue , we win , because none of the states that went for Clinton will go for Trumpy in 2020.

Michigan , Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were in the anti-Trump blue wave in 2018 ; Biden is ahead of Trump in a Michigan poll; Detroit will be turning out bigger against Trump in 2020 than in 2016, and we're a big part of Michigan vote .  Biden is lunch bucket Joe that should appeal to some autoworkers and steelworkers . Etc.

Study on fake news making the difference against Clinton


Sun, Apr 7, 7:08 PM
to me
Clayton Hill: A study from researchers at Ohio State University found that fake news probably played a significant role in depressing Hillary Clinton's support on Election Day. The study suggests that about 4 percent of President Barack Obama's 2012 supporters were dissuaded from voting for Clinton in 2016 by belief in fake news stories.

Three popular fake news stories from the 2016 campaign into a 281-question YouGov survey were given to a sample that included 585 Obama supporters — 23 percent of whom didn't vote for Clinton, either by abstaining or picking another candidate (10 percent voted Trump, which is in line with other estimates).

Here are the false stories, along with the percentages of Obama supporters who believed they were at least “probably” true (in parenthesis):

1. Clinton was in “very poor health due to a serious illness” (12 percent)
2. Pope Francis endorsed Trump (8 percent)
3. Clinton approved weapons sales to Islamic jihadists, “including ISIS” (20 percent)

Overall about one-quarter of 2012 Obama voters believed at least one of these stories, and of that group 45 percent voted for Clinton. Of those who believed none of the fake news stories, 89 percent voted for Clinton.

The result: Clinton lost 4.2 percent more of Obama's votes in the race with fake news vs. a hypothetical race without it.

Multiply that 4.2 percent drop-off by Obama's 2012 vote share in the three key states that delivered the presidency to Trump, it suggests that fake news cost Clinton about 2.2 or 2.3 points apiece in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And Clinton lost Michigan by just 0.2 points and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by 0.72 and 0.76 points, respectively.

The survey also notably doesn't measure what effect fake news might have had on increasing Trump's support, instead only focusing on how it depressed Clinton's. That could increase the shift. But even with this limited purview, it suggests it made a significant difference.

And it suggests it may well have cost Clinton the presidency.

Tя☭mp's reelection will depend on again winning the formerly Democratic states in the Upper Midwest that he surprisingly captured in 2016.

Unfortunately for Trump, the economic news in two of those states isn’t as good as in the nation as a whole.

Michigan and Pennsylvania are not sharing in the national gains quite so much. Their unemployment rates are above the national average, and rates are even higher in the regions that propelled Trump to victory.

 In Pennsylvania, for example, that’s the regions of Scranton-Wilkes Barre, Johnstown and Williamsport. Their unemployment rates all remain at or above 5 percent as of February.

That’s down a point or so from when Trump took office, but it’s not “great again” either. It’s probably not a surprise, then, that Republicans didn’t mount a serious challenge for either major statewide race, lost four House seats in the midterms, and won another three seats with less than 52 percent of the vote.

A recent Emerson poll also shows that Trump would lose Pennsylvania by 10 points to either former vice president Joe Biden or Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

In Michigan, his margin was large swings in blue-collar areas such as Flint, Saginaw and Bay City. He was the first Republican presidential candidate to carry either Saginaw County or Bay County since President Ronald Reagan in 1984.

But these counties’ economies have barely improved from January 2017 to this year, with unemployment rates dropping only about a point from a shade higher than 6 percent to a bit more than 5 percent. Again, an improvement, but not a boom.

The situation is much worse in non-metropolitan Michigan. These areas, mainly in the northern “thumb” and the Upper Peninsula, gave Trump his largest swings over Mitt Romney’s percentages in 2012.

These areas more than anywhere fueled his narrow 11,000-vote victory. But their economies have gotten worse, not better, since Trump took office.

In January 2017, non-metro Michigan had a 6.8 percent unemployment rate. In February 2019, that rate is now at 7 percent.

Imperialism is in severe decay, self-destruction from sharpening of internal contradictions .

1. Trump is destroying the finance monopoly capitalist Republican fascist party from inside.

2. Trump is undermining the current and planned future of imperialist free trade regime  by establishing anti-Free Trade tariffs and dropping the planned T.P.P.

3. Trump is undermining the imperialist military alliance , NATO.

4. Britain is undermining the junior partner free trade regime , the E.U. 

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