Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Large Democratic field: People's convention historically democratic, small "d' ; Democratic Party Pluralism , E Pluribus Unum: it's on the money .

Charles Brown

11:18 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Horace :" Now let us get a few more to drop and announce for a senate run."

Many Dems running know they won't win, but they can start their reelection campaign early and express their constituents' sharp disapproval of the Republican Prez.

That so many are running is a good sign that professional politicians sense that the Republican President can be beaten

 Some are running for Vice President .
Some for the Senate .

Yes it's like a rolling year long People's convention really historically democratic , small "d." Democratic Party Pluralism , E Pluribus Unum: it's on the money .

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