Friday, May 13, 2022

DP was permanently entered by Marxism starting with FDR era

Re: The CPUSA. and entrism. And this is where they ended up.


Exactly. But if you say that in blame, then it's like blaming the Indonesian Communists for their own physical annihilation. Blaming the victims, your own comrades , Stalinists literally, following theories that are clearly within Stalinist popular frontism. And anyway :

"The Communists do not form a separate party opposed to the other working-class parties."

Since, FDR (entered by Stalinists in living color) the Democratic Party is transformed into a mixed bourgeois / working class party with an on going historical class struggle within it. It is contradictory politically reflecting the class struggle such as it is in the US. The level of effective REFORM class struggle in the US can be measured by victories within the DP in this period.

In the future, there will be just the Democratic Party with struggle between the wings.

Consider that Madison , the main designer of the Constitution was against a Party ( "faction " ) system as it turned out US has. A no-party system is substantially logically equivalent to a one-party system.

So, a dominant DP with maybe a permanent minority protest Pig party of the bourgeoisie as they are quietly ushered off the stage of history as a class - this is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends , this is the way the capitalist world ends, not with a bang but a wimper.

Communist do not disdain participation in reform struggles , many of which are many generations long . Including taking over or dominantly influencing bourgeois electoral parties . This is included in frontism

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