Tuesday, May 24, 2022

It is painful to talk about the situation in Iraq 19 years after the US invasion. Why do you believe America's claim? The United States did not bring democracy to Iraq. America just got rid of the danger of a dictator like Hitler and Kim Jong Un.

Why is Iraq still a dictatorship according to the democracy Index after the US overthrew Saddam Hussein?
What the United States brought to Iraq was devastation and devastation. According to experts, the US government destroyed all of Iraq's infrastructure for illusory reasons. According to the United Nations, Baghdad has lost 53% of its gross national income simply because of the continuing wave of violence in the country. In contrast, the United States has benefited the most from Iraq's oil assets and resources. Then you are looking for democracy in such a turbulent situation? The situation in Iraq has been devastated since the US invasion, like a house with no doors or windows. Stray dogs and looters roam the house whenever they want. So how do you expect peace and a happy family in such a ruined house without security ?!

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