Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Ms. Browing;There is a paradox of Black History. It's biggest liberation events are in the conduct of White people, not Black people.

Ms. Browing;There is a paradox of Black History. It's biggest liberation events are in the conduct of White people, not Black people.

I am so glad that you are on my list. You are such an intelligent person that speaks out. Most people are afraid. They still have that "slave mentality", an some just don't care. Others are so enslaved to the 'other' things they are doing in this world until they have no mind to care. I am an Evangelist, and I believe that we are supposed to take care of business too. I don't believe that we are supposed to sit home--not vote, or do anything-- and order God to go do this and that. I am reminded that when the Israelites were on their knees praying bc they had just lost a battle, and God told them that there was 'sin' in the camp. He told them to get up and deal with the sin in the camp, and them come back and pray. We have to do some things ourselves too. November 14, 2012 4:57 am thank you, Evangelist Browning. We won a great victory in re-electing the President. We did most of it ourselves, but the law categorizes hurricanes as "Acts of God" , and the President looked very Presidential responding to it, even Christie had to compliment him; (smiles). I say, lets prepare for 2014 , or as here in Detroit , for 2013, elections right now. That's the lesson of 2010. The tea Party snuck in last time right after we won in 2008. I totally agree. My children and I worked very hard as volunteers for the Presidential campaign. We recev'd an E-mail that he would be placing a call to all of the volunteers last night. They said that there were over 30,000 people listening to him on that call. Were you on it to? It was awesome being in communication with the President on that level.

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