Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Necessitarian Naturalism

Praxis is practical-CRITICAL activity. It is practice that criticizes theory. It is mentioned in the First Thesis on Feuerbach. The Second Thesis states that practice is the test of theory; which is to repeat the notion of practice criticizing theory from the first thesis. Same theme is in the last 11th Thesis. "Philosophers have interpreted the world in a number of ways ; the thing is to change it. " Only way to change the world is by practice, action , not just by interpreting , thinking , contemplating, theory . However, a theory must guide the practice; if the practice successfully changes the world the truth of it's guiding theory is is proven. Theses are a succinct statement of Marxist epistemology or theory of knowledge. And of course , Lenin said without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. Movement being activity that changes the world, or Praxis. But is the same meaning we have for a radical political movement , society changing movement. The second Thesis on Feuerbach applies not only to social theory , but natural science theory. So, It's Lenin's main principle in critiquing the neo-Kantian Empirio-Critics in his book with that name in the title . He is criticizing a major physicist , Mach. Kant had a notion of UNKNOWABLE things-in- themselves ., HEGEL critiqued Kant on that by saying we can know things by successfully using them in practice. So, I'm sure you will agree that Marx's Second Thesis on Feuerbach ( proof of theory is practice) is a Hegelian idea. It is also the same as the old saying , " the proof of the pudding is in the eating ", by the way. And Marx's "Social Being determines Consciousness" is the same as "Necessity is the mother of Invention" (!). See Mother Wit is the same as Marxism . See Engels on the category of "Necessity" in Anti-Duhring . Another Hegelian principle Marx and Engels retain is "Freedom is the Mastery of Necessity". Class Divided society (slavery-feudalism-capitalism ) is the Realm of Necessity, because necessity is not mastered for the exploited and oppressed masses; because the ruling classes impose artificial scarcity and lack of mastery of Necessity on them. Communism is the Realm of Freedom because Necessity is mastered for all. That is all (smiles).

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