Monday, March 28, 2022

Someone : "Oliver Stone idolized Kennedy. He lionizes him. That greatly influences his craft. His film about JFK is sensationalism and has too much informational “noise,” which doesn’t separate the wheat from the chaff".

Charles Brown : His arguments stand on their own . I made many of them before his movie or independently of him . He’s been peer reviewed in the scientific sense .

it was Kennedy who backed down and didn’t invade Cuba ( Cuba is still independent to this day ), who was going to pull out of Vietnam , who made a nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviets and who fired the heads of the CIA. To fanatical anti -Communists in the military-industrial complex , Kennedy was soft on Communism , a treasonous offense to them . Oswald was the fall guy in a CIA Coup d’etat conspiracy. He was a spy for the US when in the Soviet Union.

A huge percentage of people alive at the time did not believe the Warren Commission. The US House of Representatives Committee that investigated it concluded it was a conspiracy (!) The Spooks shut all that down and made the media characterize anyone who said it was a conspiracy a “nut” , to be shouted down and censored. The coverup is part of the evidence that they did it . They protest too much , Methinks.

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