Monday, March 28, 2022

The racism of Western Media has been amplified in the Ukraine conflict

Here, we will be looking at 5 entities:

3 different media outlets BBC CBS BFM TV 2 leaders 1 President 1 Prime Minister .

Firstly, there is the BBC - the peak of Western Media. What do they say about the report?

“It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed, children being killed every day…” - Ukrainian Official[1]

If you think that this description is just coincidental and isn’t racist, let’s look at other examples. .

CBS is the flagship of CBS Entertainment Group, a company worth 19.32 at the time of writing.

So how do they describe what is happened?[2]

This example is much more profound than the BBC one, and makes very little attempt to hide their idea of Western Superiority. .

There is also BFM TV, a French based Cable Channel.

"We are in the 21st century, we are in a European city and we have cruise missile fire as though we were in Iraq or Afghanistan, can you imagine!” - BFM journalist[3] .

. Now, there is the President of Bulgaria, who said:[4]

And his counterpart, the Prime Minister of Bulgaria said:[5]

. . . If Hitler was alive today and saw what is happening, you know damn well that he would smile knowing that his idea of an Aryan Race was starting to form, even if it is a slightly watered down version. .

. . EDIT: I’ve found even more stuff like when an NBC reporter said:

“To put it bluntly, these are not refugees from Syria, these are refugees from Ukraine... They're Christian, they're white, they're very similar.”[6] .

. EDIT 2: I want to mention two things:

I’ve found more examples here[7] Some people have correctly pointed out that the BBC example wasn’t from a journalist, but a Ukraine government official. The answer has thus been edited. .

EDIT 3: I will be starting to delete comments that have racism built into them. .

EDIT 4: I want to mention a few more things:

The people who I said “correctly pointed out” turned out to be wrong because even though it was not shown at the clip, the BBC host replied “I understand and respect the emotion”[8]

Aside from Bulgaria, there has been a Spanish Congressman who has had similar comments[9] Aside from continuing to delete racist comments, I will also sometimes ban those who wrote these comment Footnotes [1] Petty Is Praxis on Twitter [2] Imraan Siddiqi on Twitter [3] Sana Saeed on Twitter [4] [5] Tihomir Sabchev on Twitter [6] Arwa Ibrahim on Twitter [7] Alan MacLeod on Twitter [8] They are ‘civilised’, ‘European’ and ‘look like us’: the racist coverage of Ukraine | Moustafa Bayoumi [9] Vox President: Europe Must ‘Defend’ Against Muslim Refugee ‘Invasion’

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