Saturday, November 8, 2014

What goods and services do citizens of Detroit and other cities and towns get from the State of Michigan for all the taxes we pay to the State ?

 Here's a creative idea:

What goods and services do citizens of Detroit and other cities and towns get from the State of Michigan for all the taxes we pay to the State ? Not much . Why not pay them to municipal governments instead of the State ? Cut out the middleman in revenue sharing and everything else. Reduce the size of state government !
  • Derek L Forney likes this.
  • Charles Brown This will pretty much guarantee fiscally sound municipal government, cut back on borrowing from Wall Street.

    Kris Harrison Oooohhh, you cussing now Charles!!

    Sue Hart Agreed! I guess if you can't beat them then join them and turn it around in the language they understand. Less taxes and truthfully I think one great step would be to make the Legislatures be part time employees ands take away their retirement, health benefits, holidays , sick days, etc. Waste not want not! This is what they expect us peons to live on. And, Yes whatever taxes will go to the local municipality. The State don't need to be the middle man. And, maybe these municipalities will actually get the revenue that they should be receiving.

    Charles:  Take some of the functions away from State government and give them to local government, like welfare and natural resources. Promote Home Rule . Make Michigan a Home Rule State.

    Lucianna Sabgash Isn't that basically the deal wealthy, small communities are getting...they don't have to share?
    The tax structure of input, what's in budgets pools and how well those funds are put to use..or hidden is way complicated.
    I wish I could follow it better.

  • Charles Brown Yes, I think that's how Snyder bought a lot of votes in the smaller cities and towns. Sent them back their taxes in revenue sharing, stealing it from Detroit etc.

    • Larry Gentry I've said that over and over...Michigan only one of about ten States that have a House and a Senate. Eliminate one for starters. If they only work 66 days then make them part - time with no benefits.....
    • Shari Jenkins Yes great point Charles
    • Charles Brown We could do a petition campaign to amend the State Constitution , a real tax revolt, People's , local control tax revolt. We'll show em a tax revolt.
      Just now · Like · 1
    • Shari Jenkins The legislator works part time , so they should get paid accordingly as in part time pay ,, it should urk everyone how they leave for weeks on end this Summer , did nothing to get road work bill passed and wasted all summer for the much needed road work to get done.. Bunk
    • Charles Brown


  1. Charles.....I could talk hours on these subjects......For starters, Out-State Cities, Townships, Villages, and County Governments have suffered along with the rest of the State. I'm born and raised in Detroit, now SW MI. Even after Bankruptcy, the Detroit retirees have it better than most all of the other State Locals that I know of. I retired with a mid-size SW MI City and our health bennies were cut a long time ago. I get $200.00 a month to be applied towards my health bennies. Detroit settled for $400.00 a month I believe?????? Their COLA was cut, we never had COLA! Don't get me wrong, I was against Emergency Managers and D Bankruptcy, etc. Part of the Emergency Manager concept was that local Governments are "creatures" of the State. Major overhaul would have to be done with our Constitution to effect "Home Rule changes". The midterm elections, corrupt Court decisions, all tell me this is a huge mountain to climb! The nerd has cut public safety throughout the State. Grand Rapids City had to pass a public safety millage to keep 50 fire and police on the job. The nerd has cut, and the taxes have been shifted locally, while his rich buddies and relatives reap the benefits. Local millages abound each election. Shifting more control to local governments is to me like the States that want to secede from the United States. When OK or NJ, and many other States got hit with major storms and Towns being wiped out, they had to reach out for help. If a tornado totally destroyed Battle Creek MI, they could not rebuild on their own. In many cases we need "Big Brother", but under more control by its citizens. Such as elimination of big money, gerrymandering, etc. All this oversimplified, but hopefully you get my drift????

  2. I'm all in for a petition drive to either amend the State Constitution as was done some 50 years ago or a petition campaign to send taxes (to compliment or supplement revenue sharing) to Detroit, since the State only provides park services for Detroit.
