Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Obama was not elected as a revolutionary. He was elected as a mild reformer of Reaganism. The vast, vast majority of people who voted for him both times were no where near the CoCDS in their politics, no where near consciously for overthrowing capitalism. That he has continued many of the policies that have been in place is not a surprise at all, He has accomplished some reforms , and in the face of a very big bourgeois counter offensive which, of course, panders to racism as its main tactic, and successfully often, especially in the latest election. It is still something of an amazing thing that he was able to reach enough whites with anti-racist sentiment to win two elections. But that doesn't mean racism has not limited very much what he could get done. To ignore all this , and continue to emphasize Obama's failure to put forth a radical progressive agenda all across the board is a failure to look at the whole picture. It is operating with left tunnel vision.

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