Monday, April 25, 2022

Eastern Europe was not a Soviet Empire , was an ANTI-Third Reich , anti-Empire

Charles Brown responding to below:

German’s invaded Soviet Union , murdered 27 million and destroyed the economy ; Nazis had fascists from Eastern European countries with them .Red Army drove Nazis and Eastern fascists out all the way back to their countries. OF COURSE THEY HAD TO OCCUPY GERMANY , Romania etc. to protect the Soviet people from another invasion ! It wasn’t an empire ; it was an anti -Empire .

someone said : "Though I believe in Communism, I hate Marx, because he doesn't offer a Leftist alternative to Capitalism. Only criticism and hatred/"revolution" which signifies immaturity and lack of proper reasoning an well intent. Imo, a Leftist solution is a Rational Democracy, not a Direct Democracy nor a Representative Democracy. Rational Democracy like an internet Forum for Policy Proposals, with a platform designed for arguments, and a transparent scoring system.

Btw, I was born in 1984 "Socialist / Communist" Romania and I can tell that right from the start it was an extended Russian Empire. The Russian army militarily invaded Eastern Europe and installed "Communist" regimes over-night (with Russian Agents at the lead)."

Another question :

TheoreticallyDan . Any solution for HOW Communism can work?

Charles Brown 8 minutes ago It worked in the Soviet Union until the Nazis invaded and murdered 27 million (human labor is the critical aspect in production) and destroyed the economy . That communist economy had been built in record time compared with all capitalist industrial economies, some big evidence that communism worked . Now China has built socialism very rapidly ; Communism working again . Note Marx and Engels indicate that some capitalism continues under socialism with strict government controls over anarchic capitalist production. Also , have to have some capitalism to get to socialism. China tried socialism bypassing capitalism and it doesn’t happen fast enough in a dangerous capitalist world . The capitalists sold China the “rope with which they hanged them “ in economic competition.

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