Friday, May 16, 2014

"We can't pay our bills. We can't pay our rent. We must be a part of the 99%"

 By Charlie Brown

 We chanted, "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, $7.40 has got to go" and "The People united will never be defeated !"
                   "We can't pay our bills. We can't pay our rent. We must be a part of the 99%"


Dutifully, as Labor Power Blogger, I walked the picket line yesterday morning, with about 60 McDonald's workers and their supporters at the McDonald's on West Grand Boulevard near the Lodge expressway in Detroit. It was their one day strike to demand a raise from $7.40 to $15.00/hour and a Union. There was a simultaneous picket at the "Mickie D's" at Livernois and Grand River.

 These two picketlines in Detroit were part of a coordinated national and international protest in 150 cities across the US, and in 30 different countries. Service Employees International Union was the organizing union in our city. Detroit15 at has an internet PETITION for you to sign. Detroit15  says.

"The movement for $15 and a union has been growing since our first strike last May. That day, fast food workers from several U.S. cities went on strike. Fast forward a year – 150 cities in 30 countries worldwide are striking with us demanding fair wages.
For too long, fast food corporations have made billions off the backs of workers who live in poverty. We struggle to feed and clothe our families while fast food profits soar. Fast food executives receive raises while we get our wages stolen.
We’ve had enough, and so have other fast food workers worldwide. We won’t stop until we get $15 and a union!"

All that short changing workers has truly got to go, hey, hey, ho, ho.  As the picketers said, " We want change; and we don't mean pennies"

                                               Sign the Petition at
I support Detroit workers who went on strike. Every job in Detroit should pay a living wage.


AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said:
"Working families everywhere are inspired by the spirit and the courage of fast food workers who are striking today in over 150 cities. Every worker deserves fair wages and the right to form a union without retaliation because no one who works full time should struggle to support their family. That’s why the ‘Fight for Fifteen’ movement is growing bigger and protests are happening across America and six different continents. The message is clear: corporations should pay their employees fair wages and Congress should act so no one gets left behind. Only then will we have an economy that works for all working people."

McDonald's employees in Denmark have a union, are paid $21/hour ($45,000/year), and enjoy 5 weeks paid vacation.

Into every struggle , a little rain must fall. In Michigan, the Republicans in the legislature are up to their dirty tricks to undermine the will of the People as usual. They are repealing the minimum wage law, so that the petitions which have circulated to put minimum wage on the ballot will be amending a non-existent statute , and have no effect in raising the minimum wage.

"A slightly revised version of his minimum wage bill designed to negate the citizen-driven Raise Michigan Committee’s minimum wage ballot initiative finds itself halfway along the path to undermine democracy with its passage in the Senate today — occurring with some Democratic support. Now it slithers-on over to the House."

 We'll see you in November, you unAmerican Republicans !

Action from 2013: