Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Get $$$ out of politics Constitutional Amendment is freight train rushing at the Bourgeoisie

Get $$$ out of politics Constitutional Amendment is freight train rushing at the Bourgeoisie
  We now may be close to a majority in the Senate for Constitutional Amendment to reverse _Citizens United_. 

We have 45 Senators.

Communications Workers Association trade union (CWA) and  People for the American Way just called me and put me on a TELEFORUM where I heard  a discussion of overturning _Citizens United_ to get big money out of politics, defeat the Koch brothers. . Harry Reid is speaking. ( I am a relatively random phone call for CWA)


 Communications Workers Association (CWA) , Larry Cohen President ,People for the American Way just called me and put me on a call where I can here a discussion of overturning _Citizens United_ to get big money out of politics. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is speaking. ( I am a relatively random phone call for CWA)
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 Reid  focused on an extensive expose and critique of the Koch Brothers.

Cohen repeatedly uses the term "working class". The tea Republicans are turning trade union leaders into radicals.

 Cohen says US has fallen to the lowest category labor rights violators in the world with Iraq and others..Cohan we must have a "democracy movement" to get labor's rights back.

Don't give up on red states. This is an issue Americans understand, 9 out of 10, Dems and Reps.

We will win public financing , too.

Deblasio's victory in the NYC Mayoral race was possible because of a New York State matching funds campaign finance law.

Celebrate Democracy on Independence Day!

The U.S. Senate is taking a historic vote this summer on a constitutional amendment that would stem the tide of money from the mega-corporations and ultra-wealthy in our elections. Do your senators support S.J. Res. 19, a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court rulings of Citizens United & McCutcheon? Look to see if your senators have co-sponsored this amendment.
July 2nd and 3rd are National Action Days!  Look to see what patriotic events are happening in your area.

SJ Res. 19 sign-on letter

June 3, 2014

Dear Senator,
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United, now bolstered by the recent McCutcheon decision, has unleashed a flood of spending on our elections that threatens the very foundation of our democracy.
Because we know that America will never deliver on its promise if our election system is dominated by big money interests, we are writing today to urge you to support S.J.Res. 19: a constitutional amendment to establish that Congress and the states have the power to regulate and limit election spending.
This amendment would overturn Citizens United v. FEC , as well as McCutcheon v. FEC, the decision issued earlier this year eliminating the cap on the total amount an individual can contribution to candidates, political parties and political committees. The amendment also would overturn the 1976 Buckley v. Valeo ruling, which established the doctrine colloquially known as “money equals speech.”
The Supreme Court held in McCutcheon that the only legitimate rationale for limiting campaign spending is to prevent quid pro quo corruption – essentially, the crime of bribery. But the American people understand quite well that corruption can take many forms and the problem with big money dominating our elections is far more profound than the narrowly defined crime of bribery. These activist judicial changes to the meaning of our Constitution tilt the entire government to favor big money donors. They deny regular people an equal say in determining the future of our country.
America faces great and serious challenges – putting people back to work, addressing deepening inequality, averting catastrophic climate change, fixing our schools, ensuring quality and affordable health care for all, and much more. Our country has the wealth and wherewithal, and the creativity and conscience, to meet these challenges. But we will fall short unless we repair our democracy.
We do not lightly call for amending our great Constitution. But we know that there can be no greater constitutional purpose than ensuring the functioning of our democracy. We urge you in the strongest terms to support S.J.Res.19, so that it quickly becomes the 28th amendment to our Constitution.


Never before in the history of the United States has our system been so openly corrupted by big money.  Our democracy has been overtaken by corporate interests who have bought favor with politicians, putting up huge roadblocks to any legislation that benefits We The People.  But all over the country people are also fighting back and demanding change.

Now is the time to take our power back!
• Over 80% of Americans support an amendment.
• Over 140 groups are working to GET THE MONEY OUT of politics
• 16 states and hundreds of cities have called for a constitutional amendment.
• The 113th Congress proposed 14 amendments
• Over 150 members of Congress support a constitutional amendment.

Why do we need a 28th Amendment National Roadshow?
Ever since the disastrous Citizens United people have been up in arms about the undue influence of big money in politics.  But most Americans feel overwhelmed and believe that a Constitutional Amendment is too big a task and that it is just not possible in our current stalemate political climate.  The media makes viewers feel disempowered and has failed to highlight the victories that groups are making to GET THE MONEY OUT.

Join us and help spread the word to your members and activists!
Working together The 28th Amendment National Roadshow will unify activists, educate everyday Americans and force the media and people running for office to talk about the future of the 28th Amendment to overturn Citizens United just before the important 2014 election.




Here is the wording that would be on the California ballot this November:
“Shall the Congress of the United States propose, and the California Legislature ratify, an amendment or amendments to the United States Constitution to overturn Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) 558 U.S. 310, and other applicable judicial precedents, to allow the full regulation or limitation of campaign contributions and spending, to ensure that all citizens, regardless of wealth, may express their views to one another, and to make clear that the rights protected by the United States Constitution are the rights of natural persons only?”


TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE -  We need to be done and dusted with the governor's signature 

update: California Senate passes resolution supporting overturning _Citizens United_ : http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/06/24/1309202/-California-Becomes-Second-State-to-Back-a-Constitutional-Amendment-Overturning-Citizens-United?detail=facebook

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