Friday, October 10, 2014

It is not hard to show that the economic conditions of blacks today has much to do with slavery and another 100 years of segregation and massive discrimination. Virtually all the parents of blacks of my generation were dirt poor, lived in ghettos, could not send their children to college, left them no inheritance. This means my peers in the black community were less able to help their children, and those children were less able to help theirs. This sort of thing is perfectly capable of perpetuating itself indefinitely--especially since the last 40 years have been pretty shitty for almost all workers, including whites. - Bruce Bartlett

Some whites in Ferguson are surprised that their black neighbors feel discriminated against. Social scientists who track perceptions of racial bias...
  • Linda Tilsen and 13 others like this.
  • Brian Dzyak And Christians are heavily discriminated against too.
  • Brian Dzyak And wealthy people are the most oppressed of all.
  • Earle Horton The problem is hate, and whites are not the only haters. Doctrines like "white privilege" and "structural racism" actually make the problem worse, because minorities can blame whites for their problems, without really giving them a way, to make amends. How do you get away from a place like Ferguson, MO, where the racism is pervasive? Go to college, get a job, move to the suburbs, or a place where minorities are accepted. Blacks hating whites is what keeps them down. Sure, people who look like me oppress minorities, we can't help it, it's in our genes. But dwelling on it is what keeps people "in their place". You can't hate, and study calculus or social work, at the same time
  • David J. Renshaw Yeah okay Wanker!
  • Donald Antal doctrines???? what about fucking reality, Earle Horton?? That is one of the most ass-backwards things I have heard yet....
  • Jerry Renshaw Wow, that's some fancy jiu-jitsu you got toing on there, Earle.
  • Kurt Berkenkotter Yeah, because we all know that whites and blacks have an equal opportunity to attend college and equal access to the resourses to pay for college...
  • Charles Brown Yep , for about 25 years, I've been fighting the big lie that the main racism is reverse discrimination, that affirmative action is racist.
  • Charles Brown What you say here is totally false, Earle Horton.
  • Bruce Bartlett Yes, it makes no sense.
  • Donald Antal THAT is racism, pure and simple. Denying the institutionalized racism in our criminal justice system - from stop-and-frisk, to crack-vs-cocaine to weed busts to sitting in a passenger seat and having the window busted out for a seat-belt violation - is RACISM. REFUSAL to acknowledge ANY of that shit would happen to a white knucklehead like yourself, Earl Horton...
  • Donald Antal some people's biggest accomplishment in life was to be born white - all downhill after that...
  • Charles Brown You see, in this Reaganite era a change we must make is in the media

    defaming those anti-racists speaking out against racism as "playing

    the race card". For decades, anti-racist speech has been censored by

    the Press through this sleight of hand.

    We live in a "post-racial" society, supposedly. So, the word "racist"

    is never used ,except perhaps rarely to describe some person of color

    protesting _against_ racism. Things are so twisted that almost the

    only thing called "racism" by Big Brother Press are acts or statements

    of anti-racism. For corporate journalists, that is"playing the race card", "reverse racism".

    In the infamous US Supreme Court case of _University

    of Caifornia vs Bakke_ , way back in 1978, affirmative action to attain racial equality,

    the only way equality can be achieved, was slandered as violating protections of

    racial equality that are provided in the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the

    US Constitution (wow, that's a mouthful; I'm a lawyer; smiles)

    This began more than 30 years of denying the existence of racism anymore.

    The narrative has been that the racial playing field is now level , and we have achieved

    a "post-racial" or colorblind society , in no need of affirmative

    action remedies to overcome historically instituted inequality

    between whites and people's of color.
  • Deathray Jones Earle blocked me because I asserted that white privilege exists, and he couldn't handle even considering the possibility of that.
  • Eric Alan Isaacson About time someone spoke out for the oppressed majority.
  • Stacy Fuller #notallwhitepeople Kidding. Ugh we are awful.
  • Bruce Bartlett I think many whites believe that racism must be conscious and intentional. Since they are neither consciously nor intentionally racist, they cannot be racist in any way whatsoever. But there are many ways in which racism is embedded in institutions, pe...See More
  • Bob Martin If one side of a narrative is that you owe nothing to "those people," and the other side is that we share a responsibility for the lingering effects of centuries of discrimination, which side would you expect people to believe?
  • Deathray Jones Exactly. That's why they call it "Institutionalized Racism".
  • Donald Antal you have to believe in math and statistics in order to believe in "Institutionalized Racism". Numbers don't lie....
  • Charles Brown In almost every statistical category of the quantity and quality of life - life expectancy, morbidity, wealth and income, employment , educational level, crime in your neighborhood, et al. - whites are better off than Blacks. White supremacy "do" exist.
  • Earle Horton Charles Brown, you're an example of what I'm talking about, an anthropologist with a master's degree. Did resenting whites ever do anything for you?
  • Donald Antal as a white guy, I RESENT YOUR IGNORANCE, Earl Horton - your white skin reflects poorly on me...
  • Earle Horton Statistics aren't the cause of minority problems, and whites holding you down isn't the entire cause. People live in ghettos and on Indian reservations, because they want to be with people, who look like them. Move to suburbia, and voila, their problems go away.
  • Philip Katcher This "just pull yourself by your bootstrings and go to college to get away from it all" is the basis of pretty much the entire right wing mythical America.
  • Earle Horton Structural racism is the new Mark of Cain. It just won't wash out.
  • David Rain Beverly -- Racism is an insidious cultural disease. It is so insidious that it doesn’t care if you are a white person who likes black people; it’s still going to find a way to infect how you deal with people who don’t look like you. Yes, racism looks like hate...See More
  • Donald Antal white flight, red-lining, redistricting, etc - ever heard of any of that, Earle?
  • Stacy Fuller I think anyone with privilege has a hard time seeing why they have privilege and how it affects everything. White people, men, White women etc.
  • Donald Antal many times privilege is nothing more that being treated courteously, given a reasonable answer to a question, getting a room changed in a hotel (when there are "no rooms available"), being given the "benefit of the doubt", etc. All of these are routinely denied to black folks. I have seen this with my own two eyes my entire life...
    23 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 4
  • Vicki Tsarfin "Statistics aren't the cause of minority problems, and whites holding you down isn't the entire cause. People live in ghettos and on Indian reservations, because they want to be with people, who look like them. Move to suburbia, and voila, their proble...See More
    23 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 3
  • Stacy Fuller Problems go away? You mean racism? BWahahaahahahahahahahah you are kidding right?
  • Vicki Tsarfin "Structural racism won't wash out" because people like Earle think the way they do regardless of reality.
    23 hrs · Unlike · 3
  • Reginald Thomas Thank you Earle Horton. As a middle-age, college educated, professional black man I never knew that all I had to do to avoid discrimination and racism was to "Go to college, get a job, move to the suburbs, or a place where minorities are accepted." To think, I could have left the "ghetto" and bought me a nice home in the suburbs because banks and real estate agents were always waiting for me to move into those white communities where all my neighbors would welcome me with open arms. Wow! So I no longer have to worry about the mortgage company charging me a higher interest rate than it does a white person in the community where I wish to live? Nor do I have to worry about the real estate agent trying to steer me into a less than desirable neighborhood because of my race. All I have to do is accept my shortcomings, i.e. that it's all my fault, and white America will open her arms to me in a giant Kumbaya hug of love and understanding.
    23 hrs · Like · 13
  • Aphrodite Kavyas I wonder how often elderly white professors living in wealthy neighborhoods get the cops called on them and get arrested for trying to get into their own house? Lets ask Henry Louis Gates what he thinks.
    23 hrs · Unlike · 4
  • Richmond Hendricks Dyes Earle Horton, wow.
    22 hrs · Unlike · 2
  • Robert Hockett 'Duh,' yah. But also, ???!!!
  • Felipe Olave Earle at least acknowledges structural racism, which is a step beyond a lot of folks
  • Bruce Bartlett It is not hard to show that the economic conditions of blacks today has much to do with slavery and another 100 years of segregation and massive discrimination. Virtually all the parents of blacks of my generation were dirt poor, lived in ghettos, could not send their children to college, left them no inheritance. This means my peers in the black community were less able to help their children, and those children were less able to help theirs. This sort of thing is perfectly capable of perpetuating itself indefinitely--especially since the last 40 years have been pretty shitty for almost all workers, including whites.
    20 hrs · Unlike · 5
  • Aphrodite Kavyas Exactly, that is it in a nutshell. For hundreds of years, immigrants to this country worked and saved and were able to accumulate wealth to pass down through generations. This was denied to African Americans for hundreds of the South, during...See More
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Felipe Olave An entire generation of whites were able to take full advantage of Depression-era programs and the unprecedented Post- War economic boom. That lifted tens of millions of whites into the middle class and helped create a lot of wealth. Blacks were less...See More
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Richmond Hendricks Dyes Bruce Bartlett the sad point is this: Once the black family makes it out of their situation each following generation has to keep fighting the same battle. Yes they are better equipped than their poorer counterparts in those ghettos and it is easier but nonetheless the battle does continue.
  • Richmond Hendricks Dyes Felipe Olave I must say that is a good point. I never thought about that. Not only could they not take advantage of it, they were systematically kept from doing that.
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Felipe Olave This is South and North. A black man returning from a segregated military in the 40's was restricted from using the GI Bill to go to public universities in the South that were enrolling massive numbers of GI's. Many of the largest manufacturing companies would restrict blacks from working in the higher paid trades and assembly jobs. There are countless barriers faced by minority folks that were insurmountable.
  • Don Will perspective
  • Tonja Noneya I had a guy tell me that growing up with long hair in Utah was the same as being black. Swear to God.
    20 hrs · Like · 3
  • Don Will I believe someone would say that, and no its not the same. You can cut your hair, change how it looks, you can't bleach your skin (safely) nor can you bleach prejudice.
  • Aphrodite Kavyas Richmond, I know there are a lot of good books out there - but I highly recommend The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration, a book chronicling the decades-long migration of blacks out of the South to the North and West, in ...See More
    20 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Tonja Noneya I don't give a crap if you're stuck with a skullet for life - no way in hell is your experience the same a brown person in that same city, and the belief that it is is textbook White Privilege.
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Felipe Olave Some guy with a "fuck the police" shirt defends himself in Court and wins. Guess what color?
    20 hrs · Like · 4
  • Steve Atlas "Move to suburbia, and voila, their problems go away."

    The statement of a naive fellow with a bent toward inappropriate reductionism, and who can't figure out what's wrong with everyone -- "Why don't they agree with me? They must be voluntary victims."
    ...See More
  • Aphrodite Kavyas Not lack, does not take a genius, or any kind of special background. It takes a little imagination and a whole lot of humility, as opposed to arrogance.
  • Michael Bindner who will mourn the poor victimized wankers? oh, boo hoo
  • Felipe Olave Problem is the multicultural left reduced the problem to slogans, which helped the intransigent right sweep it right under the rug.
  • Michael Bindner and the right is following suit - except that for the left, its more than slogans - that is just the PC part
  • Jack Bales Well white people have been discriminated against since NEVER. We have also really been able to solve the prolems elsewhere by bringing Christ and Democracy to the savages. That has also NEVER been true.
    17 hrs · Like · 1
  • Chris Scruton "Whites think discrimination against whites is a bigger problem than bias against blacks"

    That statement might be a bit too broad of a generalization.
    12 hrs · Like · 1
  • Felipe Olave Oversimplification, but the polls suggest a significant percentage of white folks and a clear majority of GOP voters think that is the case
    11 hrs · Like · 1
  • Chris Scruton It probably correlates well with Fox News viewers.
    8 hrs · Like · 2
  • Felipe Olave Here is the rub, those are key voters - in red and battleground States - who exercise a lot of power in the system.
  • Chris Scruton Maybe some progressive media organization should figure out how to reach that older white demographic.
    Or how to motivate younger people to vote at all.
  • Earle Horton Whites aren't wanted here. As a white man, I have no right to an opinion. I don't think that discrimination against whites is much of an inconvenience for whites, but it's a big problem for blacks and other minorities. That's why they live in ghettos. ...See More
  • Earle Horton This should help.
    Three prominent organizers of the protest...|By Jessica Chasmar
  • Charles Brown Who do you think you are, Jesus or somebody, Earle Horton ? Love will cure all. Turn the other cheek , and stay on your knees.

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