Friday, May 2, 2014

"Black people still slaves to the 1% and their stooges - 'racism' back in the news"

by Charles Brown

Clive Bundy- the rancher who is mooching off of federal grazing land,
but hates the federal government he's mooching off of - has already
done us a great service by revealing his white supremacy on national
news. The Republicans had to try to distance themselves from him. Ha.
Along with the headline stories of taped white supremacist remarks by
National Basketball Association owner Donald Sterling ...and Presto !
 "racist" is back in the vocabulary of the monopoly media.
Not only  that , but for the first time in decades, no journalists are accusing anybody
of "playing the race card". Not yet anyway.

 In Michigan last month, we had the editor of the local business newspaper
use slave plantation imagery: “Maybe Detroit needs a permanent overseer”;
although that was only reported in a blog ,not on major television

Could there come a tectonic shift
in media rhetoric ? Keeping my fingers crossed, but not holding my breath.
 Hey right-wing nuts in
the news, please keep talking to the camera.

You see, in this Reaganite era a change we must make is in the media
defaming those anti-racists speaking out against racism as "playing
the race card". For decades,  anti-racist speech has been  censored by
the Press through this sleight of hand.
We live in a "post-racial" society, supposedly. So, the word "racist"
is never used ,except perhaps rarely to describe some person of color
protesting _against_ racism.  Things are so twisted that almost the
only thing called "racism" by Big Brother Press are acts or statements
of anti-racism.  For corporate journalists, that is"playing the race card", "reverse racism".

 In the infamous US Supreme Court case of _University
of Caifornia vs Bakke_ , way back in 1978, affirmative action to attain racial equality,
 the only way equality can be achieved, was slandered as violating protections of
racial equality that are provided in the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the
US Constitution  (wow, that's a mouthful; I'm a lawyer; smiles)
 This began more than 30 years of denying the existence of racism anymore.
The narrative has been that the racial playing field is now level , and we have achieved
a "post-racial" or colorblind society , in no need of affirmative
action remedies to overcome historically instituted inequality
between whites and people's of color.

The recent news splashes explicitly characterizing as racist the words and
thoughts of  Clive Bundy and Donald Sterling may be temporary , a flash in the pan.
 Afterall, the powerfully racist words of the current US Supreme Court's decision upholding Michigan's
Constitutional ban on affirmative action just last week were not
called racist by the media

The Kansas City Star reports that  "U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) ,a
senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus, accused Senate
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky of making a 'racist
statement', and said that conservative opposition to Obamacare is
rooted in racism. He labeled Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an 'Uncle Tom.' And
he alleged that Republican Gov. Phil Bryant of Mississippi turned down
$426 million in Medicaid funding as part of Obamacare 'just because a
black man created it.' Thompson assert[s] that Republicans have opposed President Barack
Obama because he’s black, Thompson said, 'I’ve been here a long time.
. . . I’ve never seen the venom put forth on another candidate or
president like I’ve seen with this president. And that’s my opinion.' "

 Part of the significance of this is that it is in the Washington Post. Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown's white supremacist murders may be impacting the media coverup and denial that , as Mayor Young once said, "Racism do exist"

Three quarters of whites don’t have any non-white friends

We shall overcome...again.

Survey of subsequent, related stories:

Posted May 29, 2014

Clippers’ Donald Sterling the most hated man in America, according to poll

By Dylan Hock, Take Tener

Donald Sterling sat in a Black church for 2 hours Sunday in South L.A. and...

  • Margaret O'Neill It is sad that there is so much in the way of racial tension. God bless everybody affected. Peace to the people of Ferguson. Rest in peace Michael Brown.
    2 hrs · Like · 1
  • Charles Brown Yes, we must call "racial tension" "white supremacy".
    2 hrs · Like · 2
  • Margaret O'Neill Charles, the white people sometimes act like this. Yes. Not all of us though. Racial tension created by a white supremacist police force in Ferguson. Many white people have spoken out against it. Many more have protested to call wrong wrong.
    2 hrs · Unlike · 4
  • Gloria Northcross Jenkins I saw it on TV.
    2 hrs · Like · 1
  • Charles Brown Yes, Margaret O'Neill, in this Reaganite era a change we must make is in the media
    defaming those anti-racists speaking out against racism as "playing
    the race card". For decades, anti-racist speech has been censored by
    the Press through this sleight of hand.
    We live in a "post-racial" society, supposedly. So, the word "racist"
    is never used ,except perhaps rarely to describe some person of color
    protesting _against_ racism. Things are so twisted that almost the
    only thing called "racism" by Big Brother Press are acts or statements
    of anti-racism. For corporate journalists, that is"playing the race card", "reverse racism".

    In the infamous US Supreme Court case of _University
    of Caifornia vs Bakke_ , way back in 1978, affirmative action to attain racial equality,
    the only way equality can be achieved, was slandered as violating protections of
    racial equality that are provided in the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the
    US Constitution (wow, that's a mouthful; I'm a lawyer; smiles)
    This began more than 30 years of denying the existence of racism anymore.
    The narrative has been that the racial playing field is now level , and we have achieved
    a "post-racial" or colorblind society , in no need of affirmative
    action remedies to overcome historically instituted inequality
    between whites and people's of color.

  • Charles Brown We have to bring back the use of "white racist" and disgard "racial tension" and other neutral usagesk, as if the fault is on Black people _at all_ for the tension

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Justice Clarence Thomas is a Rent-A-Black and belies his title.
