Thursday, October 16, 2014

Critic Anita Sarkeesian faces death threats after her critique of misogynistic video game culture. How Utah's gun laws made it impossible to assure her safety.
  • Chris Davis While death threats against women who speak their mind certainly is horrible and vile, I wouldn't call it fascism persay. Fascism is the capitalist state in decay (Castro) and while the suppression of speech is a characteristic of fascism, I wouldn't qualify it as fascism by its lonesome.

    As an off-note, Ms.Anita's arguments are intellectually dishonest at best, and at worst self-serving propaganda. While she did have some good points, they were cherry-picked and magnified. She doesn't even allow for open discussion on the issue (for crap like this in her defense) and is hostile to any and all constructive criticism. Radical bourgeois feminism is just horrible. Nonetheless, these death threats are outrageous.
  • Charles Brown They are using death threats to prevent a speech against _domestic violence_. Anyone defending domestic violence against women with threats of violence is a theoretical misogynist . I've officially added them to the traditional definition of fascist. Call it Charles Brown's developed definition of fascist.

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