Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Obamaism is Neo-FDRism

So-called Neo-liberalism is better termed Reaganism. "Liberal" in the US since FDR represents proletarian victories in the contested state power . So, it is confusing and academically sectarianism terminology, counter-intuitive politically for the great mass of American voters to label Reaganism , neo- "New Dealism"/Liberalism.

Labor Power


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Obamaism is Neo-FDRism

So-called Neo-liberalism is better termed Reaganism. "Liberal" in the US since FDR represents proletarian victories in the contested state power . So, it is confusing and academically sectarianism terminology, counter-intuitive politically for the great mass of American voters to label Reaganism , neo- "New Dealism"/Liberalism.

The US proletariat's main political task for 30 years has been to reverse Reaganism, Reaganonmics. Bring back LIBERALISM . That's why neo-liberal for Reaganism is academic disconnect to mass consciousness. It is also academic ultra-leftism , taking a sneaky swipe at the Democratic Party. Of course, Bill Clinton was significantly Reaganite; that's how bad Reaganism got to be. The worse is at the state level in many cases , as in Michigan , Englerites, now Snake Snyder.

With Obama , change has come; the Reaganite direction in the Presidency has been halted , and its reversal begun; the Tea Party struck back; but the All Peoples front and anti -Monopoly Coalition majority persists ; Obama , despite many Pickett's charges by the Neo-Confederates, has accelerated reversal of Reaganism at the Presidential level. So, Obama is a Neo-Rooseveltian.

Someone: LBJ as a 'landmark' of a working class dominated Democratic Party? This is patently absurd. I do agree that there is a continuous class struggle within the Democratic Party (I'd say this predates even the New Deal), but the working class has never dominated it--and further had no more institutional power in the party under Johnson than they had under Truman (Truman actually tried to enact Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights, but was blocked by an increasingly reactionary Congress).

CB: War on Poverty , Great Society , Civil Rights Act, much of what today's Left complains is being attacked by so called neo-Liberalism ( Reaganism) . Think about it : "neo-Liberalism is anti-LBJism. Johnson did more against white supremacy than FDR. Given the centrality of Black liberation to the US working class liberation , technically Johnson's legislation represents greater influence in working class interests than FDR. The War on Poverty was in response to the 120 urban rebellions , a direct demand from Black working class masses. LBJ sacrificed the DP to the Nixon/ Reagan Southern strategy , the working class influence on Johnson was so strong.

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