Thursday, December 14, 2023

Debating biology-phobes

Debating biology-phobes

Also, I did not say sex and gender can be out of alignment. I say it is not possible to change sexes. It is possible , but difficult , to change genders . Actually , I'd say there are more than two genders. It is possible to go from one of the two basics to a third . Homosexuals and Transvestites have long been third gender . Clothes worn are part of the basic definition of gender. Sex with the opposite sex is a basic part of gender . It's a third gender , because they will not be accepted as fully other gender by many people .

Notice homo-sexuals are not trans-sexuals; many are not "transgender" either , except in their sexuality. On Apr 8, 2016, at 12:14 PM, Charles Brown wrote:

We have some feminist theorists saying we live in rape culture.

Is it the transgender "liberationist "theorists position that any man who wants to can declare himself a woman and use women's showers in gyms and lockerooms ? Go in battered women's shelters , be housed in women's prisons .

"Transphobe "is rightwing, male chauvinist terminology . Anti-materialist , . Are you a right winger on biological sex ? Nova <
Your response is politically and scientifically ignorant, Nova . There is sex and gender . Sex is a fundamental biological category as it is the form of reproduction of our species. It is physically impossible to change sexes. Bruce Jenner is not now sexually female .

Gender nor sex. Gender is culturally determined though based in biological sex. Third gender is possible.Homosexuals are a third gender .

Rape is a male supremacist crime committed by biological males against biological females. And a further , rightwing, misogynist aspect of your ignorance is you show no concern for men raping women with leaving the decision with individual men as to what sex they are. I denounce you, Nova

Your statements are male supremacist , not to mention duhhhh, Nova . Why is it you are not concerned about the inevitable rapes and assaults and voyeurism that will occur ?

TFW a "Marxist" sounds like a paid spokesperson for the Christian Coalition ///

I'm a paid spokesperson for Darwinian evolution and biology and anthropology at a college. What I'm espousing is dialectical MATERIALISM , Marxism. Your position is the "Marxist" post-modernist literary criticism one .

Here we have your precise error on display. It is exactly wrong that biological sex is socially constructed at all. Sex is probably the most important concept in biology given the essential nature of reproduction to perpetuation of species , i.e. Avoiding extinction.

Non-human species do not have gender, because they don't have culture, language, symbols. Gender is culturally determined . Animals have only sex.

There are only two biological sexes, and it is impossible for an individual to transfer from one to the other . The two are complementary opposites, two sides of a coin , a biologically derived division of labor ( a labor of love ; viva la difference, we dialecticians say).

Sexual reproduction originates one billion years ago . Before that life reproduced by cloning . Sexual reproduction was selected for because it produces offspring that are more diverse.

This is all a materialist or scientific understanding of sex. Hate to break it to you.

"Hate to break it to you, but "sex" is just as much a social construct as gender is. I have a feeling that you're actually familiar with that concept, given the way you very deliberately bated Nova. And there are serious problems in defining sex by reproduction. Like, this shit is infinitely more complicated than you clearly want to acknowledge. You'd rather spout right wing anti-trans rhetoric, acting like trans women with penises are responsible for rape culture. You're so full of shit, Charles. And as with most things, you're going to refuse to admit possible error and taunt anybody who speaks out against you, with no consideration for the fact that the rhetoric you're spewing endangers the lives of trans women who are already getting beaten, raped, and murdered at alarming rates. This whole post is garbage."

I don't have any self-obsession. The goal of this page is to bring Marxist theory to bear on the burning questions of our day. I am precisely pursuing the purposes of this page by bringing a dialectical materialist critique of the idealist theory they sexual males can transform into sexual females ; or that men should be able to declare themselves women , or boys declare themselves girls and enter public locations reserved for women's privacy in a society that radical feminists have claimed is rape culture; with an extraordinarily high percentage of women have been raped in their lives.

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