Sunday, February 26, 2023

: More CB on proto-socialism in capitalism

Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Charles Brown Date: April 3, 2014 at 7:13:56 AM EDT To: charles brown Subject: More CB on proto-socialism in capitalism View 40 more comments Einde O'Callaghan The phrase about "mutual ruin" is a quote from the Communist Manifesto. The example is the Fall of the Roman Empire, i.e. the complete collapse of civilisation. That in my opinion is what is at stake. As Rosa Luxemburg - and before her Engels - said, the choice facing humanity is socialism or barbarism. And I take the danger of the latter very seriously - it may be my age but I'm not as confident that we'll win as I was when I was younger - but that makes me even more resolved to do all I can to prevent this collapse into barbarism! Finally, the idea that any Scandinavian country is socialist is so laughable that I find it difficult to take anybody who thinks this seriously. I diagnose a near fatal dose of taking Fox News as a new source instead of a cesspit of right-wing propaganda! Yesterday at 5:47am · Like · 1 Penelope Duggan My answer to the question? No reason at all. And in any case it didn't. Russia anyone? Sorry, I haven't got the energy to read all the answers but was just amazed I didn't see that right up at the top. 14 hours ago · Like Penelope Duggan Russia betweenthe revolution and Stalinism, obviously. 14 hours ago · Like Alois Blucher Socialized labor is undoubtedly the most effective but under Capitalists it is merely a weapon turned against us. And, dear comrade, there is a fine line between socialized work-infriscructure and a socialized mode of advancement. In a socialist society a man gets what he deserves on account of his merit--hence a meritocracy. Clearly the world is not organized so, as the most successful men and women are not super-hard workers but cheats and liars--plus artists, which i include to say this only is fair. In terms of revolution, while folk are well placed they are NOT well organized. One guy cannot text another to do something and expect a chain-link reaction. This requires intellectual leaders such as us to make happen. 14 hours ago · Like Charles Brown Marx , of course, doesn't ignore that the bourgeoisie use many of what he lists as proto-socialist forms against the working class in the class struggle while still under capitalist relations of production and property. Be clear . Marx is not , and I am not, saying that the US or France or Scandinavia are socialist. But it is fundamental to Marxism that some of socialism is formed within capitalism. The socialist revolution is a dialectical super-cession or sublation of capitalism. That means it both overcomes or negates _and_ preserves some of capitalism. It negates the capitalist private property for and preserves the socialized production. Capitalism prepares the ground for socialism in things like socializing ,to an enormous extent , and on a worldwide scale ( a worldwideweb ) labor. That's why you can't get directly to socialism from feudalism. Feudalism has not prepared things for socialism. As China found out, there is no road to socialism bypassing capitalism. These principles are very basic , fundamental and _necessary_ for espousing Marxism. We know that Marx considered the socialist revolution a dialectical process because of his use of terms like "negation of negation" in the following: "The capitalist mode of appropriation, the result of the capitalist mode of production, produces capitalist private property. This is the first negation of individual private property, as founded on the labour of the proprietor. But capitalist production begets, with the inexorability of a law of Nature, its own negation. It is the negation of negation. This does not re-establish private property for the producer, but gives him individual property based on the acquisition of the capitalist era: i.e., on cooperation and the possession in common of the land and of the means of production. " Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Thirty Two Capital Vol. I : Chapter Thirty-Two (Historical Tendency of Capitalist Accumulation) 6 mins · Edited · Like · Remove Preview Charles Brown The emotional thing to get over is that in some ways, socialism is not that different from capitalism. The revolution is not all exciting and new. Some of it is very mundane and boring. Logical but the same old same old. 1 min · Like Write a comment... Rafael Arturo Guariguata via Marxismo Critico 15 hrs "Towards the modern Prince : Gramsci's Machiavellian metaphor": Peter D. Thomas This video has been recorded at the international conference on 'Machiavelli's The Prince: Five Centuries of History, Conflict, and Politics' at Brunel... Unlike · · Share You and Ramesh Gaddam like this. Write a comment... Ramesh Gaddam 17 hrs Hello sir how r u , you r from which country Like · · Share Einde O'Callaghan ModPost: We don't ask people to reveal where they come from in this group which can be read by anybody with access to the Internet. People may do so if they wish, but usually people give such information on their own pages if they want it to be publicly known. 16 hours ago · Like Ramesh Gaddam K fine didnt asked that u want to introduction abt me k na 15 hours ago · Like Write a comment... David Walters 16 hrs MIA on 160 GB USB 2.0 Hard Drive Like · · Share David Faunt Le Roy likes this. Write a comment... David Walters 17 hrs 2 April 2014: Added to the French-language Michel Pablo archive: Parlons de la femme, de la famille, des enfants (1956) [Thanks to RaDAR] Michel Pablo : Parlons de la femme, de la famille, des enfants (1956) Le couple Thorez-Vermeersch s'est embarqué dans une nouvelle campagne pour le << droit à la maternité >> et << ses joies >> contre le << néo-malthusianisme réactionnaire >> qui réclame le birth control. La campagne a commencé par la lettre de M. Thorez << au camarade Derogy >> (l'Humanité, 2 mai 1956) et a... Like · · Share David Faunt Le Roy likes this. David Walters . 16 hours ago · Like Write a comment... David Walters 17 hrs 2 April 2014: Added to the new Louis-René Villerme Archive: On Prisons as They Are and as They Should Be, 1820 [Thanks to Mitch Abidor] On Prisons as They Are and as They Should Be by Louis-René Villermé 1820 Source: Des prisons telles qu'elles sont et telles qu'elles devraient etre. Paris, Mequignon-Marvis, 1820;Translated: for by Mitchell Abidor;CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) 2014;Translator's note: This translation is dedicated to the memory of Lambert Ki...|By Louis-René Villermé Like · · Share David Faunt Le Roy likes this. David Walters . 16 hours ago · Like Write a comment... David Walters 17 hrs 2 April 2014: Added to the new Argentina History Archive: Speech by Eva Peron to the Descamisados on October 17, 1951 War Dispatch, August 1978 [Thanks to Mitch Abidor]... See More History of the Argentina Resolutions of the Fifth Congress of the Partido Revolucionario de los TrabajadoresPresenting over a dozen discussions from inside the armed struggle wing of Argentine Trotskyism known as the Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo or Revolutionary Army of the People--The ERP|By Mitchell Abidor Like · · Share David Walters . 16 hours ago · Like Write a comment... David Walters 17 hrs 2 April 2014:Opened the Manuel Quirós archive in the Portuguese-language section, with: Para a Reconstrução do Partido Comunista Marxista-Leninista, 1975 [Thanks to João Filipe Freitas and Fernando Araújo] Para a Reconstrução do Partido Comunista Marxista-Leninista A colecção <> é a homenagem dos que trabalham nas edições Maria da Fonte ao seu camarada. Ao militante comunista, ao amigo sincero da causa do povo, que Manuel Quirós foi. Manuel Quirós não morreu. Permanecera sempre no coração dos seus camaradas, dos comunistas e do povo. O seu... Like · · Share David Walters . 16 hours ago · Like Write a comment... Older Posts

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