Monday, February 27, 2023

I am so glad that you are on my list. You are such an intelligent person that speaks out. Most people are afraid. They still have that "slave mentality", an some just don't care. Others are so enslaved to the 'other' things they are doing in this world until they have no mind to care. I am an Evangelist, and I believe that we are supposed to take care of business too. I don't believe that we are supposed to sit home--not vote, or do anything-- and order God to go do this and that. I am reminded that when the Israelites were on their knees praying bc they had just lost a battle, and God told them that there was 'sin' in the camp. He told them to get up and deal with the sin in the camp, and them come back and pray. We have to do some things ourselves too. November 14, 2012 4:57 am

thank you, Evangelist Browning. We won a great victory in re-electing the President. We did most of it ourselves, but the law categorizes hurricanes as "Acts of God" , and the President looked very Presidential responding to it, even Christie had to compliment him; (smiles). I say, lets prepare for 2014 , or as here in Detroit , for 2013, elections right now. That's the lesson of 2010. The tea Party snuck in last time right after we won in 2008. I totally agree. My children and I worked very hard as volunteers for the Presidential campaign. We recev'd an E-mail that he would be placing a call to all of the volunteers last night. They said that there were over 30,000 people listening to him on that call. Were you on it to? It was awesome being in communication with the President on that level.

However, as I told my children, it is awesome to be in the presence, or in communication with the President of the U.S., but it is not even comparable to being in the presence of God. Everybody falls prostrate on their face when in God's presence. I have been in church services where God used a child to speak to the church--in another language--and then nterept it. That's an awesome feeling. However that was a few years ago. But God is still the same God, if we will come up to where we should be to hear him.

Hurricanes are very awesome (smiles) are you there?

Hello Hi, I am sorry. I turned from the computer for a while. That's what's


I am so glad that you are so well informed about politics. I can't say too much bc people feel that I am not following my calling to do the work of the Lord. I see.

Thank you for your words of support. Maybe you can talk in terms of Martin Luther King. I was telling my family recently ab Martin Luther King. Those that are makes threats to Pres. Obama really don't know what they are doing. If anyone harmed Pres. Obama, there would be a civil war in this country. It was awful when MLK was killed. There are more radical people now, than then. And many people really love the President. If anyone got to the "first Black President", riots would break out, and many terrible things. So, we all need to Pray. Yes, Jimmy Carter was born again. Jimmy Carter has always been a good person. Didn't he start the Habitat home building for the poor? However, everyone has to accept Jesus Christ. Our own self righteousness is counted as "dung". Yes I see where they are laying off people bc of Pres Obama being re-elected. I am going to write something about this, I think. Yeah, being poor losers is unAmerican. These people are unpatriotic, don't respect America's history and customs. That's true. However, God said, "When you have done it to the least of these, 'my people', you have done it to me. They are "wicked" without any love for mankind. Yes they are. Clergy: "Reject grand bargain, tax the rich" » peoplesworld The "so called" White Evangelicals voted for Mitt Romney. However, remember, they went to church years ago, then went home and lynched the "colored man" and had their children there gleefully watching. I don't understand how these Black people are sitting up in their churches, paying them tithes--making them rich. Surely, there is a black church in their city. The White Evangelicals let them know that they are for the white man that hates them. So sad. pitiful November 17, 2012 3:15 pm Hope all is well with you. I posted a note that I wrote on your site. wanted you to read it. You can delete it, if you wish.. Just wanted you to read it. I tagged it to my cousin when I wrote it, and just thought about it. I just jumped up, and took it off bc I thought ab he and his birth brother & children are in such a war, they fight an threaten to kill each other. Thank you Jesus, I thought about it. lol Hope all is well with you. I posted a note that I wrote on your site. wanted you to read it. You can delete it, if you wish.. Just wanted you to read it. I tagged it to my cousin when I wrote it, and just thought about it. I just jumped up, and took it off bc I thought ab he and his birth brother & children are in such a war, they fight an threaten to kill each other. Thank you Jesus, I thought about it. lol February 16th, 11:12am i was just reminded that I have to make a presentation in church tomorrow for Black History. At this time, I have no idea what to say or what I am going to do. Can you give me any ideas, or information to work with. It will be very much appreciated. I have so much on my agenda at this time that I don't have much time for research. Thanks in advance. February 16th, 4:15pm Obama is the latest big Black History maker. It was the white voters who overcame white supremacy , opposed racism and voted for him that get the most valuable voter award in this historic episode. Thank you. Well, maybe i should speak on president obama then. Excuse my writing. Learning to use this new cell phone texting. February 17th, 7:25am Yes, victories against white supremacy are changes in the conduct of white people, not changes in the conduct of Black people and other people of color ; changes in the conduct of white people toward Black people as no longer abusing them as slaves when slavery was abolished. Black liberation history is made when white people give up portions of their white supremacy. So, Obama inspired a large minority of white people to overcome their racism , change their conduct and vote for a Black man for President . This is the historic achievement of Obama, a big one. February 17th, 9:16am 9:16am There is a paradox of Black History. It's biggest liberation events are in the conduct of White people, not Black people. Victories against white supremacy are changes in the conduct of white people, not changes in the conduct of Black people and other people of color ; changes in the conduct of white people toward Black people as in no longer abusing them as slaves when slavery was abolished. Ceasing and desisting from Jim Crow . That's Black History, but it's mainly White people acting differently. Black people may have fought them or inspired the White people to do it , but the change was in White people's conduct. Black liberation history is made when white people give up portions of their white supremacy. So, Obama inspired a large minority of white people to overcome their racism , or take their anti-racism to a new level, take affirmative action, change their conduct and vote for a Black man for _President_, a major symbolic position of leadership in American politics and culture . This is the Black historic achievement of Obama, a big one. Consider Lyndon B. Johnson , major historical actor in the achievements of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's . We celebrate Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, Little Rock Arkansas high school children facing mobs. Johnson had been a segregationist Senator. The change in his conduct was extraordinary. This is not to praise him as a man so much as to point out the objective fact that it is _change_ in _his_ conduct that is critical. Today in Black History: In 1966, Andrew Brimmer is the first African American to be appointed to the Federal Reserve Board By: African Ancestry Debra Taylor Insightful piece Mr. Brown. The most effective dismantlers of racism are white people themselves. I took a 3 day immersion workshop on "Undoing Racism" years ago and I left there having a working definition of racism and recognizing that! Racism= race prejudice+ power (control of banking, finance, government,social services, business etc.). African Americans can be race prejudice but not racism because we do not control the systems of power that make this country and world go around. Charles Brown Thank you Ms. Taylor. In a sense, white people are the only ones who can dismantle racism, because racism is something they do. Black people don't do racism. How are Black people going to go make white people stop doing racism ? They can't. Can't go over and put your hands on them and make them stop. Only white people can end racism. The choice is up to White people, and yes, they can do it ! 6 minutes ago Hi How are u ,dearheart Chat Conversation End Seen 7:17am

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