Monday, June 27, 2022

Manning Marable wiki item spy written Ironically , the below written by an FBI spy documents much activism by the late Comrade great scholar , Manning Marable  Manning Marable(died March 2011, age 60), after undergoing a double lung transplant in July 2010) was Director Institute for Research in African-American Studies, Columbia University. He served on the Advisory Board of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. Manning Marable was married to Leith Mullings. In addition to his wife, who teaches anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and who co-edited several of his books, Mr. Marable is survived by three children, Joshua Manning Marable of Boulder; Malaika Marable Serrano of Silver Spring, Md.; and Sojourner Marable Grimmett of Atlanta; two stepchildren, Alia Tyner of Manhattan and Michael Tyner of Brooklyn. [1] Obit. WaPo, April 4, 2011, Page B4 (Metro Section) A full page-length column appeared in the Washington Post on April 4, 2011, "Manning Marable: 60 - Influential scholar, Malcolm X biographer" by Christian Salazar. On its face, it was full of information about Marable, some of his life, works, and influences, but like most Washington Post and New York Times obituaries over the past 40+ years, it conveniently left out a lot about who the man actually was. Obituaries are often written mainly by the family of both notables and the average person. However, most major newspapers, especially the WP and NYT have obituary writers, people who prepare long obituaries on "notable" personalities, often years in advance of their deaths. In the past, according to a Communist Party publication article found in Political Affairs, December 1972 edition, the NYT had a former 12-13 year member of the Party as its obituary editor, whom they described as "a sympathetic man who always does his best to speak well of the left-wing dead."[2]. This was Alden Whitman, an admitted former CPUSA member. According to "The Pink Sheet", "Alden Whitman testified before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee on January 6, 1956. He admitted being a member of the U.S. Communist Party from 1935 to 1948. He took the "5th amendment" when Congressional investigators tried to pry other Party-related information out of him." Several of his major obits of CPUSA labor leader and entertainment leader, Hugh Mulzac, National Maritime Union, 2/01/71 and Rockwell Kent, 3/14/71, were definite coveups for their Party activities and leadership in their respective fields of work. The flawed Robeson?? obituary was exposed and detailed in an issue of Accuracy in Media's AIM Bulletin in 1983 CITATION NEEDED HERE. This same coverup of the communist/marxist/socialist backgrounds of many people whose obituaries appeared in the Washington Post has been in effect for many decades, including the more recent one of CPUSA member/activist Ruth Pinkson[3] and others (LIST HERE CITATIONS). Regarding the Marable obituary in the WP, in 17 print-inches of the full-length obit column (an overall 20-1/2" in length column), the words "communist", "marxist" or "socialist" were never mentioned by writer Salazar. The closest he got to saying anything even remotely describing Marable's communist ideology was to quote something he (Marable) wrote many years ago which was the following: "With Martin's death (i.e. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.), my childhold abruptly ended...My understanding of political change began a trajectory from reform to radicalism." It was this "radicalism" that Salazar completely ignored, deliberately left out, or never bothered to learn about, though there are many sources about Marable's marxism on the internet, as well as here at Also, the fact that he had been a leader for many years of the Democratic Socialists of America DSA should have given Salazar a hint of what the man was involved in. Again a quick internet check or check would have revealed a massive amount of information about who he was. Another little fact left out of the obituary was the real identity of his wife, Dr./Professor Leith Mullings, a member of the Communist Party USA and its youth arm, the Young Workers Liberation League YWLL since the 1970's. There is a tremendous amount of information on her here at No one disputes Marable's considerable scholarship work on Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, W.E.B. DuBois and others, but one of his books, which Salazar did list, "Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America," should have given another hint as to where his ideology lay. The reason for this critique of the WP obituary is the fact that for many newspaper readers, and even internet users, the obituary is one of their main sources of information about a person, and he who controls the obituary, controls its contents. This ability to control the obituary of leftists has been a powerful weapon for the Left because it has helped to cover-up the truth about many communists and marxists, a "truth" that otherwise might have made the reader really begin to ask, really, who was this person. Early life/education Born in 1950, in Dayton, Ohio, Marable received his A.B. degree from Earlham College in 1971, his M.A. degree in American history from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1972 and his Ph.D. in American history from the University of Maryland in 1976[4]. Academic career Marable's academic career began in 1980 as the senior research associate of Africana Studies at Cornell University. In 1982, he became a professor of history and economics, and Director of the Race Relations Institute at Fisk University. As a professor of sociology at Colgate University in 1983, Marable was the founding director of its Africana and Latin American Studies Program, and in 1987, he moved to Ohio State University as the Chair of the Black Studies Department. From 1989 to 1993, he was the professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder. In 1993, Marable became the founding director of the Institute for the Research in African-American Studies at Columbia University[5]. Writing Since 1976, Marable has written "Along the Color Line," a syndicated commentary series on African American politics and public affairs, which is published in newspapers and magazines in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, the Caribbean and India. He is a prolific author and has written over 200 articles in academic journals and edited volumes. Marable has also written over twenty books including: co-editor, with Myrlie Evers-Williams, The Autobiography of Edgar Evers: A Hero's Life and Legacy Revealed Through His Writings, Letters, and Speeches, which was published by Basic Civitas Books in 2005. Marable has several books in progress one of which is entitled Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention, which is being published by Viking in 2009[6]. His other books included “Race, Reform and Rebellion: The Second Reconstruction in Black America, 1945-1982” (1984) and “The Great Wells of Democracy : The Meaning of Race in American Life” ( 2002), as well as two biographies published in 2005, “W. E. B. DuBois: Black Radical Democrat” and “The Autobiography of Medgar Evers,” which he edited with Myrlie Evers-Williams, Evers’s widow. He was the general editor of “Freedom on My Mind: The Columbia Documentary History of the African American Experience” (2003). In 1992 he published “On Malcolm X: His Message and Meaning,” a work that prefigured the consuming project of his later years. “Beyond Boundaries: The Manning Marable Reader,” a selection of his writings, was published in January by Paradigm.[7] Early radicalism Marable came of age during the 1960s and like many at that time, he was involved in protests and marches against the Vietnam War and civil rights protests. He continued writing for student newspapers during college, and in 1971, Marable graduated from Earlham College. In 1972, he received his master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After receiving his Ph.D. in American history from the University of Maryland in 1976, he became active with the black freedom movement. In 1976, he became active in the National Black Political Assembly, a network of community organizers, elected officials, and political activists. The National Black Political Assembly was an offshoot of the Gary convention of March 1972, which illustrated the pinnacle of the Black Power phase of the black freedom struggle in the 1960s and 1970s. At the Gary convention, thousands of African American activists and political figures discussed measures to expand black power in the political world, and to encourage the formation of independent political institutions committed to black liberation. In 1977, Marable joined the New American Movement.[8] CWP In the early 1980s Mannuing Marable was a leader of the National Black Independent Political Party and a regular columnist for the Communist Workers Party paper Workers Viewpoint. DSA Conference delegate In 1983 Manning Marable, Director of Third World Studies, Colgate University was an At Large delegate to the Democratic Socialists of America conference in New York City, October 14-16, 1983[9] DSA vice chair In 1984 Democratic Socialists of America vice chairs were Harry Britt, Ron Dellums, Dorothy Healey, Irving Howe, Frances Moore Lappe, Manning Marable, Hilda Mason, Marjorie Phyfe, Christine Riddiough, Rosemary Ruether, Edwin Vargas Jr, William Winpisinger[10]. DSA activism Manning played a major role in the merger of, NAM and DSOC, into DSA. He was both a Vice Chair and a member of the National Executive Committee (later the NPC). For the first years of DSA he brought together a significant group of activists of color around his publication Third World Socialist, the publication of the DSA Anti-Racism, African-American, and Latino commissions. He put a lot of hard work into getting the various commissions off the ground, and hosted two DSA-related conferences of over 100 activists and academics of color in the mid-1980s. For various personal and political reasons, including some frustration that DSA's anti-racist work did not grow significantly stronger over time, Marable shifted some of his political activism to the Committees of Correspondence. Even so, he remained a warm and good friend of DSA; and an especially strong friend of the Youth Section (now YDS), speaking often at its summer and winter conferences.[11] CWP connection Manningmarableop.JPG Manning Marable was a regular contributor to the Communist Workers Party paper Workers viewpoint in the early 1980s. NASSCO3 In 1981 Mark Loo, a Chinese-American member of the Communist Workers Party[12] , his party comrade Rodney Johnson, and unionist David Boyd were charged with the attempted bombing of the National Shipbuilding Company in San Diego, California. The trio were represented by lawyer Leonard Weinglass. Defending the NASSCO 3, soon became a major cause for the Communist Workers Party.[13] A cocktail party in support of the NASSCO3, was held at Ramsey Clark's house in New York on July 10. Sponsors of the event included Haywood Burns, Abe Feinglass, Juan Gonzalez, William Kunstler, Stewart Kwoh, Manning Marable, Margaret Ratner, Abbott Simon, Frances Borden Hubbard, Flo Kennedy, and Ramsey Clark.[14] Federation for Progress The Federation For Progress was another attempt to create a new Marxist united front organization, much like similar efforts of the People's Alliance and the National Committee for Independent Political Action. It was driven by the Communist Workers Party. The FFP put a half-page ad in the "socialist" oriented weekly newspaper, In These Times ITT in the July 14-27, 1982 issue, p. 8, entitled: "A natural follow-up to June 12: A national conference July 30-August 1 at Columbia Un., in New York City". It was a follow-up conference to the major "anti-defense lobby" march and protest in New York on June relating to the U.N. Second Special Session on Disarmament. The FPP Interim Executive Committee consisted of; Judy Chu - Professor Asian-American Studies, Los Angeles Michio Kaku- nuclear physicist Frances Hubbard - teacher of community health and social medicine, City University of New York CUNY Dr. Arjun Makijani - nuclear disarmament activist Manning Marable - Professor of Political Economy Musheer Robinson - Executive Director, Black and Latin Workers Health & Safety Resource Center, Newark, NJ Tony To - Federation For Progress National Staff Kitty Tucker - Non-Nuclear World, Supporters of Silkwood Karen Silkwood Addressed Communist Party USA, front meeting An ad/notice was placed in the Guardian, November 8, 1989, concerning an upcoming U.S. Peace Council national conference. The text of the notice was: "End The Cold War Fund Human Needs" U.S. Peace Council's Tenth Anniversary National Conference - Boston, Mass., Nov. 10-12, 1989 Speakers Included:[15] Leslie Cagan Rep.John Conyers - (D-Mich) Prof.Gerald Horne Prof. Michio Kaku Robert Krimsky Prof. Manning Marable Jack O'Dell - Rainbow Coalition Operation PUSH Dennis Rivera - Local 1199 Drug & Hospital Workers Union Angela Sanbrano- CISPES Bernie Sanders Holly Sklar Zehdi Terzi - Palestine Liberation Organisation Dessima Williams - Grenada Foundation Socialist Scholars Conference 1990 The Socialist Scholars Conference 1990, held September 6-8, at the Hotel Commodore, New York, included panels such as:[16] Black Politics in America Maulana Karenga, University of California, Long Beach Manning Marable, University of Colorado Paulette Pierce, Queens College Paul Robeson, Jr., Author, Journalist People's Progressive Convention In 1992, a "call" went out to leftist radicals and communist revolutionaries of various orientations to hold a national People's Progressive Convention in Ypsilanti, Michigan, August 21-23, 1992. Endorsers included Manning Marable - writer and activist. Institute for Policy Studies In 1993 Marable was listed as a among "former Visiting Fellows and Visiting Scholars and current TransNational Institute Fellows" on the Institute for Policy Studies 30th Anniversary brochure. Colorado DSA The Boulder DSA organizing committee held a hugely successful meeting on January 26 1993. Professor Manning Marable addressed a crowd of over 100. Over half of the attendees expressed interest in working to form a full-fledged DSA local, to be called Front Range DSA, that will encompass Denver, Boulder, and surrounding foothills towns.[17] CrossRoads In the mid 1990s Marable was[18]a contributing editor to Oakland based Institute for Social and Economic Studies- sponsor of CrossRoads magazine, which sought to promote dialogue and building new alliances among progressives and leftists... and to bring diverse Marxist and socialist traditions to bear while exploring new strategies and directions for the progressive political movements. Committees of Correspondence At the Committees of Correspondence conference, Berkeley California, July 17-19, 1992, Marable was a candidate for the CoC National Coordinating Committee-from Colorado.[19] Committees of Correspondence 2002 Conference At the Committees of Correspondence National Conference and Convention, July 25-28, 2002 San Francisco State University, the Plenary Panel and Discussion on Economic Justice and Globalization included; Manning Marable, with Linda Burnham, Mike Prokosch, a representative of Cuba Alternatives to corporate domination of globalization today [20] Radical Scholars & Activists Conference In 1993 Manning Marable was a featured speaker at the Midwest Radical Scholars & Activists Conference. The theme of the conference was, "Popular Empowerment in the Clinton Era". The conference was held between Oct. 29 - 30, 1993 at Loyola University, Chicago.[21] New Party builder New Party News Fall 1994 listed over 100 New Party activists-"some of the community leaders, organizers, retirees,, scholars, artists, parents, students, doctors, writers and other activists who are building the NP" the list included Manning Marable, Columbia University. Forward Motion In 1995, Manning Marable, contributed an article to Freedom Road Socialist Organization's February Forward Motion "Ben Chavis and the crisis of Black leadership". [22] Cuba visit In June, 1996 Manning Marable led a delegation of fifteen prominent African Americans to the island of Cuba. Members of the delegation included: Leith Mullings, Professor of Anthropology, City University of New York; writer/editor Jean Carey Bond; political theorist Clarence Lusane; Columbia University Chaplain Jewelnel Davis; and Michael Eric Dyson, Visiting Professor of African American Studies, Columbia University. The delegation was hosted by the Center for the Study of the Americas in Havanato engage in a series of conversations about the future of Cuba and its relationship with Black America.[23] The delegation identified four critical areas for examination: race relations and the status of Afro-Cuban people since the Cuban Revolution; the status of women and gender relations; the impact of economic liberalization and the introduction of private enterprise in Cuba since the end of the Cold War and issues of human rights, civil liberties and political freedom under the Castro government. The ground rules for our visit permitted us to travel anywhere in the island. We were encouraged to interview prominent leaders in government, culture and society. Always throughout our investigations, delegation members asked questions which had broader implications for Black folk not only in Cuba. but within the U.S. We met with Alphonso Casanova, the Deputy Minister of Economic Planning, and the chief architect of Cuba’s economic transformation. Casanova explained that Cuba’s gross domestic product was cut in half after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of economic trade with socialist countries. Out of necessity, US. dollars were decriminalized and corporate investnent from Europe, Canada and Mexico was eagerly solicited. By 1997, there were over 300,000 Cubans who had registered as private entrepreneurs with the government. New resort hotels were constructed and a thriving tourist business developed. This year over one million tourists will visit Cuba. Cuban economists believe that it is possible to adopt elements of capitalism and corporate investment into a socialist system. Casanova states. "Capitalism is a major failure as a socioeconomic and political project." Nevertheless, the Cuban people had to devise ways to avoid economic collapse and to integrate their economy into world markets. "Throughout the Third World, ‘Cuba is the hope that things can be done differently," Casanova stated. Safeguarding the interest of Cuban workers is Salvador Valdez Gonzalez, the Minister of Labor and social Security. The minister estimated that Cuba’s current unemployment rate is 6.5%. However, workers who were terminated from their jobs still receive a minimum of 60% of their former salaries. "Our main policy is to maintain the achievements of the Revolution," Valdez explained. Despite their current economic difficulties all healthcare in Cuba is still free, programs for the physically disabled were protected. No hospitals or universities were shut down. In fact, Cuba’s ratio of doctors to the general population, one out of seventy three, is by far the best of any Third World country, and better than many western societies. What was also striking about Valdez was his physical appearance — phenotypically the brother was clearly an "African." The Minister of Labor declared that "racial discrimination is not abolished by a decree, but by the actual performance of a society—access to schools, medical assistance, and the full exercise of political democracy without regard to race." Meeting a murderer During Marable's visit to Cuba, he met many government officials, intellectuals and community leaders who -provided many critical insights. But "one of the highlights was having a lengthy conversations with Assata Shakur. She had been a prominent Black American activist in the 1970s who had been unjustly imprisoned." Assata Shakur, aka Joanne Deborah Chesimard is a convicted cop killer. Marable wrote in the Chicago Defender;[24] Escaping from prison, she somehow managed to reach Cuba. Today, she is a lecturer and teacher, active in local affairs and remains an astute judge of society and politics. Shakur emphasized that while Cuba has its problems, some of the Castro government’s strongest supporters are Afro-Cubans. This is because the actual conditions of daily life for Black people — incomes, educational opportunities, health care, etc. — have greatly improved. The old restrictions of racial segregation which had been imposed by the U.S. upon Cuban society have been dismantled for decades. The Castro government more recently has become supportive of Black cultural and religious groups such as Santeria, which draw their orientations from African spiritual traditions. There are many Black Cubans who are proud of their African heritage and culture, Shakur said, but who also support the revolution. The struggle to destroy racism still remains a central challenge in Cuba: but on balance, the Cubans are far more honest about their shortcomings, and have achieved greater racial equality for Blacks than we have in the U.S. Socialist Scholars 1997 The Democratic Socialists of America sponsored 1997 Socialist Scholars Conference was held March 28- 30 at the Borough of Manhattan Community College in New York[25]. Workshops included Manning Marable, Joy James, Maulana Karenga, Bill Sales, and Bill Fletcher, Jr. on the state of African-American intellectuals; Black Radical Congress In 1996, five veteran activists and scholars - Abdul Alkalimat, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Manning Marable, Leith Mullings, and Barbara Ransby - initiated a round of discussions among themselves regarding the political and social state of affairs facing African Americans and other oppressed communities in the United States. Though the five brought different experiences and political frameworks to these talks, they all located themselves within the broad school of black radicalism. Those discussions would soon port to a larger pool of activists who agreed that not only did a crisis exist, but black radicals also had a responsibility to do something about it[26]. In March 1998 “Endorsers of the Call” to found a Black Radical Congress included Manning Marable, Co-chair, Committees of Correspondence; Ida B. Wells-W.E B. Du Bois Network [27]. “Forging a Black Liberation Agenda for the 21st Century” 10th Anniversary Meeting of the Black Radical Congress, “Forging a Black Liberation Agenda for the 21st Century” Black Radical Congress, June 20-22, 2008, St. Louis, Missouri. Endorsers for the Congress included Manning Marable Director, Center for Contemporary Black History-Columbia University.[28] Communist "Manifestivity" On October 30 and 31, 1998 the Brecht Forum presented the "Communist Manifestivity to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto" at Cooper Union's Great Hall, New York. Individual endorsers of the event included Manning Marable.[29] Souls In January 1999, Dr. Marable initiated Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society. This new quarterly journal examines key theoretical issues within black America, Africa and the Caribbean. Souls is edited by Dr. Marable, published by the Institute for Research in African-American Studies at Columbia University and Westview Press, and distributed throughout the U.S. and internationally[30]. Sacramento Marxist School On May 10, 2001 Manning Marable lectured at the Sacramento Marxist School on Challenges for the Left.[31] Center for Contemporary Black History In 2002, Manning Marable established the Center for Contemporary Black History at Columbia University, which produces Souls, a quarterly academic journal of African-American studies. In 2005, Marable and members of his Malcolm X Biography Project designed the content for the multimedia educational kiosks featured at the Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center at the historic Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, the site of Malcolm X's 1965 assassination[32]. Movement for a Democratic Society MDS 2007 board, Manning Marable, center On February 17, 2007, the Movement for a Democratic Society held a well attended conferenceat New York City’s New School University. The event was held in the Graduate Center, 65 Fifth Avenue, and about 100 participants were in attendance. The meeting featured several speakers who are well known figures on the U.S. Left and an agenda that centered around electing a board of directors for MDS, Incorporated – the non-profit arm of MDS that was founded last August in Chicago, at the national SDS convention. Its purpose is to provide SDS’ student activists with a legal defense fund, monies for the Radical Education Project and a general fund for meetings, conventions and other SDS functions. Manning Marable was elected as Chair of the new Board[33]. In November 8-11 2007, Movement for a Democratic Society held a "Convergence" in Chicago[34]; Speakers included Manning Marable, Mark Rudd, Marilyn Katz, Mike James, Paul Buhle, Al Haber, Franklin Rosemont, Thomas Good and Muhammad Ahmad-formerly Max Stanford; Carl Davidson, Mike Klonsky and Bill Ayers were also present. Free Mumia Abu-Jamal In 2008 Manning Marable, Director of Center for Contemporary Black History, Columbia University, New York signed a statement circulated by the Partisan Defense Committee calling for the release of convicted “cop-killer” Mumia Abu-Jamal.[35] 2008 YDS event On the heels of a strong Young Democratic Socialists turnout at DSA’s 2007 national convention, its winter outreach conference’s success represents another stepping stone for a revived YDS. The conference title, “Be Realistic, Demand the Impossible: Reviving Democratic, Socialist, and Youth Activism,” honored the spirit of the young radicals of 1968 and reflected similar hopes and dreams that continue to motivate young activists forty years later. On Friday evening February 15, 2008, the conference opened with a panel discussion: “2013 Isn’t Soon Enough: The Anti-War Movement Post-Bush.” The gathering of close to one hundred young activists served both as conference opener and an Iraq Moratorium event. YDS has participated in numerous Iraq Moratorium events (monthly actions to raise awareness against the war in Iraq) since September and the panel showcased our grassroots work on a national stage. [36] Saturday’s opening plenary, “The Struggle for Racial Justice Under Capitalism,” moderated by YDS Anti-Racism Coordinator Emahunn Campbell, featured Columbia University professor Manning Marable, immigrant rights organizer Monami Maulik, and DSA National Political Committee member and Brown University Professor of Africana Studies Corey D.B. Walker. The speakers addressed the need to connect the struggle for socialism to the fight against racism. Marable analyzed how the origins of capitalism depended on racist ideology; he further contended that a prerequisite for the elimination of racism would be the abolition of capitalism. Support for Barack Obama Sub don.jpg Manning Marable claims that Barack Obama has read some of his books and "understands what socialism is." Manning Marable, writing in the December 2008 issue of British Trotskyist journal Socialist Review[37], also claimed that Obama works with socialists with backgrounds in the Communist Party. Obama represents a generation of what might be called post-racial black politicians-by which I mean they espouse a politics that minimises matters of race. They do not like to talk about race and subsume it under the rubric of poverty and class. So they are generally left of centre, or liberal, on social and economic policy. Obama is a progressive liberal. What makes Obama different is that he has also been a community organiser. He has read left literature, including my works, and he understands what socialism is. A lot of the people working with him are, indeed, socialists with backgrounds in the Communist Party or as independent Marxists. There are a lot of people like that in Chicago who have worked with him for years... When Dr Marable voted for Barack Obama, he voted for him not as a Democrat, but on the New York Working Families Party (WFP) line. Manning Marable is a member of the WFP which is a direct descendant of the now defunct New Party. Why vote for Obama on a Working Families ticket? You are counted independently of the Democrats and it shows there is a left constituency in the state of New York. It gives us some leverage on decision-making and policy and we run our own candidates at local level. Marable, as a Marxist tactician, went on to explain that to win elections and promote his policies Obama has to be subtle. He must bring his opponents on board and be careful not to scare centrist voters. Obama regularly sends text messages to millions of people. He just sent a message saying, "Don't go away, now I need you to help govern." There is a debate right now within the Obama campaign about whether to move fast or go more slowly. The argument is that there have been 10 elections for president between 1968 and 2004 and Republicans have won seven of them. Obama is looking at the history and so are progressives who worked with him or critically endorsed him, like myself. Dr Marable then defined the role of the left under an Obama administration-to push Obama in a "progressive" direction, just as the communists and socialists like A. Philip Randolph pressured Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1930s. My argument is simple. The left must force him to carry out the agenda he promised, and that includes a national healthcare system...That is the number-three priority. The main priority is ending the war in Iraq. The second is the economic crisis. We need a robust Keynesian approach to employment and investment in infrastructure - a lot of the bridges built by the works projects administration of Franklin D Roosevelt 75 years ago need to be rebuilt and the roads are crumbling. Most of us on the left have taken a position of critical support toward Obama. We have to press him to carry out his own agenda. The analogy of FDR is appropriate. But someone has to play the role of A Philip Randolph, the black socialist leader who attacked FDR from the left and in 1941 forced him to sign an executive order outlawing racial discrimination in factories producing for the war effort that refused to hire black people. Randolph threatened to bring 100,000 black workers to surround the White House. Roosevelt capitulated and signed an order that was the foundation of affirmative action. We need a network that can do it. That is the challenge for socialists in the US. How Class Works The "How Class Works - 2008" conference held at Stony Brook, New York, June 5 - 7, 2008, Center for Study of Working Class Life, proposed speakers list included: Sam Anderson, Catherine-Mercedes Brillantes Judge, Pedro Caban, Fuat Ercan, Claudia Fegan, Bill Fletcher Jr, Tami Gold, Elizabeth Hoffman, Sara Jarayaman, Stathis Kouvelakis, Sherry Linkon, Meizhu Lui, Manning Marable, Jack Metzgar, Nelson Motto, Manny Ness, Bertell Ollman, Jeff Perry, Catherine Pouzoulet, David Roediger, Andrew Ross, John Russo, Vinny Tirelli, Michelle Tokarczyk, Richard Trumka and Joe Wilson. Conference organiser was Michael Zweig Director, Center for Study of Working Class Life, Department of Economics State University of New York ,Stony Brook, NY[38]. Advisory Board Maurice & Jane Sugar Law Center As at Winter, 2008, the following served on the Advisory Board of the Maurice & Jane Sugar Law Center: Jim Benn Martha Bergmark Marjorie Cohn Hon. John Conyers Hon. Ron Dellums Alan W. Houseman Dr. Joseph E. Lowery Manning Marable Frances Fox Piven Victor Rabinowitz Dennis Rivera Jordan Rossen Bill Tamayo Studs Terkel Baldemar Velasquez In Memoriam: Anne Braden Haywood Burns Hon. George Crockett Arthur Kinoy Anthony Mazzochi Independent Progressive Politics Network In 2009 Manning Marable served on the Advisory Committee of the Independent Progressive Politics Network[39]. Race & Class In 2009, the Editorial Working Committee of Race & Class, published on behalf of the UK based Institute of Race Relations, included John Berger, Lee Bridges, Victoria Brittain, Jan Carew, Jeremy Corbyn, Basil Davidson, Avery Gordon, Barbara Harlow, Saul Landau, Neil Lazarus, Manning Marable, Nancy Murray, Colin Prescod, Barbara Ransby, Cedric Robinson, Bill Rolston and Chris Searle[40]. Marable sits on the board of directors for the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, a non-profit coalition of prominent public figures dedicated to utilizing hip-hop as an agent for "social change"[41]. LINKS Contributing editor As of 2010, contributing editors to Australian based "journal of international socialist renewal" LINKS, included;[42] Australia Pat Brewer, Dick Nichols, Stuart Munckton, Emma Murphy Belgium Francois Vercammen Brazil Dulce Maria Pereira Cuba Maria Elena Alvarez Acosta, Jesus Aise Sotolongo , Roberto Regalado Alvarez El Salvador Gerson Martinez France Alain Krivine Hungary Tamas Krausz Italy Rina Gagliardi Malaysia Jomo K. Sundaram Mexico Hector de la Cueva Nicaragua Alejandro Bendana Philippines Francisco Pascual Spain Jaime Pastor, Manuel Monereo Paurez South Africa Dale McKinley South Korea Won Young Su Russia Boris Kagarlitsky United States Manning Marable, Barry Sheppard Black Commentator As of 2009 Manning Marable was listed on the Editorial Board for the Black Commentator.[43] National Jobs For All Coalition In 2010, Manning Marable, was listed as serving on the advisory board of the Democratic Socialists of America dominated National Jobs For All Coalition.[44] New Labor Forum New Labor Forum is published by Center for Labor, Community, and Policy Studies, Joseph S. Murphy Institute for Worker Education & Labor Studies. Editorial Board members listed, as of March 2013; were;[45] Elaine Bernard, Ron Blackwell, Barbara Bowen, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Arthur Cheliotes, Mike Davis, Amy Dean, Steve Early, Hector Figueroa, Janice Fine, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Juan Gonzalez, Marie Gottschalk, Gerald Hudson, Lisa Jordan, Tom Juravich, Robin D G Kelley, Jose LaLuz, Nelson Lichtenstein, Manning Marable, Ruth Needleman, Ai-jen Poo, Katie Quan, Adolph Reed, Daisy Rooks, Andrew Ross, Kent Wong. References Jump up ↑ NYT Manning Marable, Historian and Social Critic, Dies at 60, By WILLIAM GRIMES, April 1, 2011 Jump up ↑ The Pink Sheet on the Left, Issued #45, February 5, 1973, Page 1 Jump up ↑ Wash. Post, Aug. 26, 2010, Page B7, "Ruth P. Pinkson - Volunteer" Jump up ↑ Jump up ↑ Jump up ↑ Jump up ↑ NYT Manning Marable, Historian and Social Critic, Dies at 60, By WILLIAM GRIMES, April 1, 2011 Jump up ↑ Marable, Manning(1950–) - Historian, lecturer, Chronology Jump up ↑ DSA Conference delegate list Oct. 12 1983 update Jump up ↑ DSA membership letter Oct 24 1984 Jump up ↑ DSA obit, Manning Marable, accessed April 4, 2011 Jump up ↑ Curriculum Vitae of Leonard I. Weinglass Jump up ↑ Workers Vanguard, June 19, 1981, NASSCO3 Railroaded, San Diego Co Entrapment Threat to Labor Jump up ↑ Memo on NASSCO3 Support Work, from the general secretary Jerry Tung, written by Kurt, 7/81 Jump up ↑ Guardian, November 8, 1989 Jump up ↑ Second Annual Socialist Scholars Conference program. Jump up ↑ Democratic Left March/April 1993, page 12 Jump up ↑ Crossroads March 1996 Jump up ↑ CoC official ballot paper Jump up ↑ [The Corresponder Vol 10, number 1, June 2002] Jump up ↑ Radical Scholars & Activists Conference pamphlet, 1993 Jump up ↑ [Forward Motion, Summer 1994] Jump up ↑[

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