Sunday, September 8, 2024

The not so new white supremacy is to deny white supremacy, in the present and past ; like banning Black history books ; denial and coverup of the Truth of yesterday and right here right now

The not so new white supremacy is to deny white supremacy, in the present and past ; like banning Black history books ; denial and coverup of the Truth of yesterday and right here right now

White supremacy-Racism is what motivates voters for Trumpy - Nixon’s racist Southern Strategy is still central to the Grand Old Damn Party

"After Democratic strategist Bannon suggested Harris lean into economic policy, he added the caveat that good policy may still not be enough to win over the non-college educated white demographic. He wrote that Democrats shouldn't "expect groundbreaking movement on progressive economic initiatives as long as low-income white voters vote their social prejudices instead of their economic interests."

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