Friday, September 13, 2024

Sykes says one particular moment keeps playing in her mind.. "I keep thinking about that debate," Sykes says. "And the thing that stays with me is how she was able to call him a m*therf*ka without calling him a m*therf*ka! That was genius." Sykes refers to a part in the debate when Harris pointed to Trump and said "This.." before pausing. It looked like she was about to curse him. Instead, she went with "This former president ..."

Sykes says one particular moment keeps playing in her mind..

"I keep thinking about that debate," Sykes says. "And the thing that stays with me is how she was able to call him a m*therf*ka without calling him a m*therf*ka! That was genius."

Sykes refers to a part in the debate when Harris pointed to Trump and said "This.." before pausing. It looked like she was about to curse him. Instead, she went with "This former president ..."

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