Sunday, September 8, 2024

The glue that holds the Republican Party and especially MAGA together is _racism_ better termed _white supremacy_ The glue that holds the Republican Party and especially MAGA together is _racism_ better termed _white supremacy_. This is the result of a decades long strategy started by Richard Nixon as a "Southern Strategy . "

Really almost all major political issues have concern about the white/colored population ratio underlying : ever since the beginning white /enslaved population ratio. Racist Vance means extra votes for white parents . He wants another incentive for _whites_ to have children. Really almost all major issues have concern about the white/colored population ratio underlying : ever since the beginning white /enslaved population ratio. 1) Abortion is really about white women not having abortions; same with potential assault on other forms of contraception. 2) Immigration from Mexico , Central America and Haiti . California has basically subdued the Republican Party to permanent minority status because of the previous immigration waves. 3) It's political dominance. With slavery , it was with guns. In fact , the 2nd Amendment was actually to insure a white militia to keep Blacks dominated. I have a legal history article on that . Anyway that's 3),race / white supremacy underlying the current battle over gun control . Obviously suppression of Black voting rights, 4); and all other racisms , anti-affirmative action, anti-Obamacare because it helps Blacks proportionally more than whites. BIG NUMBER 5) whites voting for the Republican Party when it screws most of them ; LBJ nailed it:

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