Wednesday, June 12, 2024

SCIENCE is a method for finding the truth about something , whether in the human or natural world . It does this based on logical analysis and synthesis of evidence, facts, data that is observed by human witnesses. No supernatural witnesses. It is the same method as used in the law courts.

SCIENCE is a method for finding the truth about something , whether in the human or natural world . It does this based on logical analysis and synthesis of evidence, facts, data that is observed by human witnesses. No supernatural witnesses. It is the same method as used in the law courts.

The scientific method is the process scientists follow to solve problems. Scientists spend much of their time conducting experiments and carefully recording, analyzing, and evaluating the data from experiments. If the data does not support a hypothesis, scientists must form a new hypothesis and conduct new experiments. When the data supports a hypothesis, scientists share their results with other scientists. When an hypothesis is proven as true it becomes a Theory or Law. Charles Darwin’s Laws of Evolution of Life and the modernly discovered laws of DNA have been proven true based much evidence.

BIOLOGY is the SCIENCE of living things, of LIFE . A biologist is a scientist who studies biology, the activities, behavior, bodily motion of organisms . An organism is a term for any living thing. There are three main groups of organisms - bacteria, archaea and eukaryota organisms. Biologists try to understand the natural world and the things that live in it. These things include plants, animals, fungi, protozoa, algae, bacteria, and viruses. (Archaea are single-celled organisms that often live in extreme places, like your guts! Like bacteria, Archaea are prokaryotic (pronounced proh-KAR-ee-oht-ik) cells: the smallest type of cell around. Actually, university and professional biologists don’t just study living things, but have a profound understanding , but don’t know everything. They know a lot more than was known hundreds of years ago. A eukaryote is a cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus. The cells of all multicellular organisms (plants, animals, and fungi) are eukaryotic. Algae and protists also are eukaryotic organism)

The study of biology covers many areas. It is usually divided into separate branches, or fields. Some biologists study anatomy, or the structure of living things. Some study expertly physiology, or how the different parts of a body work together. Still others study ecology, or how organisms interact with their environment. Some are experts in Evolution and Natural History . The Tree of Life, or Phylogenetic Tree of Life is used to symbolically represent evolution , changes due to natural selection, natural history; and the relation of all life to all other life by way of deriving reproductively from common ancestor species. In addition to these general fields, some branches of biology study certain types of living things. Some biologists study large groups, such as all animals (zoology) or all plants (botany). Others, however, only study specific groups, such as insects, birds, or mosses.

EVOLUTION is. the theory that all the kinds of living things that exist today developed from earlier types. The differences between them resulted from changes that happened over many years.

What is ANTHROPOLOGY ? ANTHROPOLOGY is the study of people and cultures in the past and today. How did people live a few decades ago, or thousands of years ago? And how have societies and cultures changed over time? Anthropology is the science of how living generations inherit their language , culture, customs, religion, morals, traditions from ancestor generations , now dead. To understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of human history, anthropology draws and builds upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and physical sciences.

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