Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Anthropological Psychology holds that human Selves'behavior ,bodily activity, is substantially , though not totally , created by language and culture , symbolically inherited from dead generations , and learned from parental generations. Anthropological Psychology

Anthropological Psychology holds that human Selves'behavior ,bodily activity, is substantially , though not totally , created by language and culture , symbolically inherited from dead generations , and learned from parental generations.

Anthropological Psychology

psychology as the study of the Human Individual-type , the Self-TYPE; in contrast to other animal Self-types . MySelf , that idol of American culture and symbolic inheritance .

So, learning about individuals is automatically more relevant to individual student's interests , which is of course , especially in themSELVES Giggles But in this competitive society , 99% of us must be SELF-CARING to survive. Anthropological Psychology holds that human Selves'behavior ,bodily activity, is substantially , though not totally , created by language and culture , symbolically inherited from dead generations , and learned from parental generations.

To paraphrase Karl Marx : Human Individuals make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a dream and a nightmare on the brains of the living."

Furthermore, Anthropological Psychology ,is especially in opposition to evolutionary psychology, socio/biology , all phony social darwinisms. Anthropological psychology places emphasis on culture , language and inter and intra - generational memories in the psyches and personalities of individual humans ; it emphasizes the "We" in the "I". The human "I " is more "We" than other animal species' "I"'s BUT NOT ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED BY THE "WE. "; not absolutely _socially_ constructed. What is unique about the individual human psyche as compared to other primate or mammal individual's psyches , minds, brains , memories, perceptions ? The human difference is so many of our memories are symbols , words, drawings , music, dance or Symbolic communication or the whole collection of word memories held in our INDIVIDUAL minds.

Each human individual has her WHOLE language and culture and symbols in her MEMORY ; and memories directly imitative ( not symbolic) of sensations or perceptions of the world outside her individual mind, of objective reality . We have memories. We also have direct sensation of our immediate , here and now , surroundings . BUT most of the time that we see or hear or smell or touch something or somethings there must right way come to our mind a MEMORY of it or something like it or a SYMBOL OF IT. at the same time. Why ?Because it's familiar . We recognize it. Otherwise we would constantly feel lost . Every new sensation would be strange .

A main current new thought for me here is to focus on memories. Most thought is memories not perceptions and sensations of your individual external surroundings However this is true of all animals ! All individual animals have most of their thoughts as MEMORIES ! Chimps have lots of picture similar images , BUT NO SYMBOLIC SIGN MEMORIES . We have both , but proportionately more symbolic memories than memories of non-symbolic perceptiins : words , sentences, conversations . Again , Anthropological Psychology : On the Self, I'd say every individual animal has an instinct of SELF-preservation , and therefore a self. Every brain is a Self. Humans have a personality , which is a cultural , symbolic self, with a name; an individual . It is socially constructed in association with other people; including , importantly, dead generations of people through symbolic inheritance ; in communication between brains. The Self is in the brain, consisting of memories in brain cells. Language is in brain cells, memory cells. When you say "you" exist in language , that means "you" exist in brain cells, memory cells specifically. // It is not the quality of rationality that differentiates humans from other animal minds. Other animals are rational in the most fundamental sense in that they logically pursue self-preservation ! A smart effort by prey to escape predator is highly rational , as is smart pursuit of the prey by the predator . It is the quality of symbolic communication that separates human thought from other animals' thought .

Culture and Language are Natural "Soul" I’d say spirit or soul is symbolic inheritance/ words / culture from dead generation Natural, not supernatural, spirits; Tradition , custom, culture, language, history give every individual person a natural soul through learning; human species-being. With culture , we are material spirits, as culture is multigenerational including dead generations .

I'd say the rational kernel of the idea of religion is ancestor "worship"; the knowledge passed on from thousands of dead generations , culture, language , custom is the differentia specifica of Homo sapiens. No other species has it. It's not a big guy in the sky, but it is millions of dead people's experiences living after their deaths in living generations: Material and natural, not mystical , soul. Symbolic communication , language and culture, have given humans a sort of super-rational ability in the sense that they ||||\\

give scientific knowledge that is very powerful in giving humans great success in the Darwinian struggle for existence. However, scientific rationality has turned into its opposite - world historic irrationality - with capitalism's mode of destruction creation and production of Nuclear Weapons making the possibility of extinguishing our own species. ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPPNS ! BAN THE BOMB ! <<<<<<<

self /self/ See definitions in: All Bookbinding Clothing Biology noun a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action.

"our alienation from our true selves" adjective (of a trimming or cover) of the same material and color as the rest of the item. "a dress with self belt" verb BOTANY self-pollinate; self-fertilize. "a variety that selfs itself loses lots of vigor in the progeny"

Self Article Talk Language Watch Edit This article is about self in reference to individual. For other uses, see Self (disambiguation). For subjective experience, see Qualia. For personal identity, see Personal identity. For the article about mental appearance, see Self-image. "Selves" redirects here. For other uses, see Selves (disambiguation). In philosophy, the self is the relationship of an individual's own being, knowledge and values. Self relates the experiences of one's inner and outer living in presence.[1][2] The first-person perspective distinguishes selfhood from personal identity. Whereas "identity" is (literally) sameness[3] and may involve categorization and labeling,[4] selfhood implies a first-person perspective and suggests potential uniqueness. Conversely, "person" is used as a third-person reference. Personal identity can be impaired in late-stage Alzheimer's disease and in other neurodegenerative diseases. Finally, the self is distinguishable from "others". Including the distinction between sameness and otherness, the self versus other is a research topic in contemporary philosophy[5] and contemporary phenomenology (see also psychological phenomenology), psychology, psychiatry, neurology, and neuroscience. Although subjective experience is central to selfhood, the privacy of this experience is only one of many problems in the Philosophy of self and scientific study of consciousness. Psychology Psychiatry Neuroscience Sociology Philosophy Religion See also References Further reading

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