Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Only white people can end racism and yes, they can do it !

Only white people can end racism and yes, they can do it !

Labor Power Monday, February 27, 2023 Only white people can end racism and yes, they can do it ! Only white people can end racism and yes, they can do it ! By Charles Brown There is a paradox of Black History. It's biggest liberation events are in the conduct of White people, not Black people. Victories against white supremacy are changes in the conduct of white people, not changes in the conduct of Black people and other people of color ; changes in the conduct of white people toward Black people as in no longer abusing them as slaves when slavery was abolished. Ceasing and desisting from Jim Crow . That's Black History, but it's mainly White people acting differently. Black people may have fought them or inspired the White people to do it , but the change was in White people's conduct. Black liberation history is made when white people give up portions of their white supremacy.

So, Obama inspired a large minority of white people to overcome their racism , or take their anti-racism to a new level, take affirmative action, change their conduct and vote for a Black man for _President_, a major symbolic position of leadership in American politics and culture . This is the Black historic achievement of Obama, a big one.

Consider Lyndon B. Johnson , major historical actor in the achievements of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's . We celebrate Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, Little Rock Arkansas high school children facing mobs. Johnson had been a segregationist Senator. The change in his conduct was extraordinary. This is not to praise him as a man so much as to point out the objective fact that it is _change_ in _his_ conduct that is critical. Today in Black History: In 1966, Andrew Brimmer is the first African American to be appointed to the Federal Reserve Board

In a sense, white people are the only ones who can dismantle racism, because racism is something they do. Black people don't do racism. How are Black people going to go make white people stop doing racism ? They can't. Can't go over and put your hands on them and make them stop. Only white people can end racism. The choice is up to White people, and yes, they can do it !

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