Sunday, May 28, 2023

"But capitalist production begets, with the inexorability of a law of Nature, its own negation." This law of Nature asserts itself through "the revolt of the working class" , in the US an objective law working through a working class without working class CONSCIOUSNESS , and even with ANTI-SOCIALIST /Communist consciousness because of the brainwashing of the Cold War. Thus, Communists cannot inject working class and socialist consciousness as Lenin proposed for the Bolsheviks in _What is to be done ?

So what is to be done in Our concrete situation , Comrades ? smiles Bueno , applicable in the US in 2023 is Lenin's direction in _What is to be done ?_ to focus on the Working Class's _political_ as opposed to _economic_ struggle , his critique of Economism or Trade Unionism pure and simple . In the US historical context political struggle is ultimately electoral with strikes and mass protest aimed at influencing elections .

NOT ONLY THAT ! therefore the main class struggle work , historical materialist practice in the US in the concrete situation Imperialism in its post-Soviet but rising Socialist China phase is that boring , liberraal," petit bourgeois" , blase , blase campaigning for Democratic Party votes everyday some kinda way like tens of millions of working class lives depend on it .

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