Sunday, August 14, 2022

Republicans and Trumpy are fascists ; they have the gestapo terrorists. The US right wing is in a sharp division Republican fascists with mass fascist base vs FBI/CIA . Nixon and J.Edgar Hoover are spinning in their graves.

US fascists are more dangerous than the German mass fascist base under the Nazis ; because Nazi masses were sheep ;Trump’s mass base are wolves like him . Millions of wolves . Libertarian fascist snipers and mass murderers .

Article’s attack on Democrats is completely invalid and dangerous. Democrats are the only ones who can defeat the fascist Republicans

Article’s position is dangerous to the human race, foul demagogy.

The following paragraph is full of lies : “Despite all attempts to disable him in office, Mr Trump, as president, got to see an awful lot of classified material, including all the evidence of Hillary Clinton's Russia Collusion hoax, abetted by the FBI, the Department of Justice (DoJ), CIA, and Department of Defence (DoD), plus all the lawless shenanigans that took place in the FISA court“ ... Charles Brown : This paragraph is full of lies

On Aug 14, 2022, at 9:02 AM, Bill Totten wrote: Gestapo the Steal

Despite all attempts to disable him in office, Mr Trump, as president, got to see an awful lot of classified material, including all the evidence of Hillary Clinton's Russia Collusion hoax, abetted by the FBI, the Department of Justice (DoJ), CIA, and Department of Defence (DoD), plus all the lawless shenanigans that took place in the FISA court ... Charles Brown : This paragraph is full of lies

by James Howard Kunstler (August 12 2022)

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