Friday, January 7, 2022

GOP has merged with KKK

Re: Republican Party has merged with the KKK ; GOP is fascist ( especially with Trump ) Your understanding of the relationship between the 99% and the Democratic Party is similarly imprecise, crude , ahistorical. /// ""I understand why the CPUSA does not run a candidate for president, since they have no mass base, and since doing so is symbolic and pointless, but their position that the Democratic Party is the party of the working class is just wrong. The gains made by workers were made by workers themselves, in opposition to the Democratic Party (though not always in opposition to specific Democrats). The Democrats knew how to win elections then. They knew how to attract voters away from the SP and CP. Today, they try to attract voters away from Republicans."" @@@@&@&@@@@@@@&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"@@@@@@@@@@@@@"@@@@ CB : My position as a learned Marxist and student of US political history is not that “the Democratic Party of the working class “; that’s a crude and misleading version of what I’m saying . My very true description of the Democratic Party is that a genuine class struggle has gone on inside the DP since FDR ; and there is no class struggle in the RP , but bourgeois complete dominance. The US working class sometimes wins working class (socialistic ) reforms through the DP , and sometimes the bourgeoisie wins capitalist reversals of reforms . For example , through the Democratic Party in the New Deal , the US proletariat won the Haymarket / May Day demand of a 40 hour week (!) . If you can’t see that as a genuine class struggle victory , I can’t help you ; you just aren’t a Marxist , don’t have a Marxist understanding of working class reforms still within capitalism. Neither Marx , Engels nor Lenin disdained struggle for working class reform short of revolutionary transformation. Marx discusses at length the struggle for a shorter work day in _Capital_ . Nor did the New Deal reforms “save” the US from socialist revolution. The US working class at that time barely had class consciousness, let alone socialist consciousness. It was not going to respond to the Great Depression by making revolution; that’s out of touch with political reality of the time . Then if you don’t see the New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society/War on Poverty / Civil Rights laws and Obamacare as victories won by the working class , why would you expect any working class revolutionary victories in the future since we would never have even won any reforms since the Civil War ? You’re basically saying Marx and Engels theory of the working class as radical reform /revolutionary agent is wrong . Notice I said sometimes the bourgeoisie win in the DP. Truman starting the Cold War and jailing the CP leadership, Clinton abolishing welfare as we know it and deregulating Wall Street were bourgeois victories. The Republican Party has overwhelmingly dominant bourgeois control in this period in contrast with the contradictory class influence in the DP. With Obama there has been a resurgence of working class influence in the DP; and a surge of fascist influence in the RP. No Obama’s policies have not been so-called neo-liberal ( better termed Reaganite ) . Where is the austerity in the $ 700 billion Stimulus ?! Nowhere . Obamacare is the first extension of the War on Poverty since LBJ. No privatization. Saved the autoworkers! No the workers didn’t make the gains by themselves. They made them by voting in Democrats in large majorities in legislatures, through the Democratic Party Wow how out of touch with political realty can you be when you say Democrats knew how to win elections then as if not now . 2008 Dems won President and Congress; 2012 Dems won President; 2018 Dems won the House ; 2020 Dems win President and House , and may win Senate . And you ignore the systematic , chronic cheating by Republicans. Republicans stole Presidency in 2000. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ / ""If the Democrats ran a candidate today that workers could support, they would win handily, but there are too many Democrats that don't want that. Look at the response to Joe Rogan endorsing Bernie Sanders during the primaries. Look at how Biden has distanced himself, politically, from anyone associated with Sanders. Far from being the party of the working class, the Democrats are a (bourgeois, capitalist) party of elite purists. Whatever they were 60–90 years ago, they're not that today." /// CB : what are talking about “if” ! The Democrats just won ; the majority of workers voted for Biden ! Goddamn what are you thinking . I mean what the fuck. Do you really not know that Dems just ran a candidate that the workers supported ( 99% of the population are wage-laborers ; 99% of voters are wage-laborers ). /// TSC

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