Wednesday, September 15, 2021

America choose opportunity over danger

America is in a crisis . Crises are opportunity and danger . America is in a struggle between opportunity and danger . Already there have been historically big Stimulus spending laws for the People , an opportunity fulfilled . Obama -Biden had a historically big one and this one is even bigger. The extended unemployment benefits were historic , too . Our opportunity, our chance to ReLiberalize government has already been fullfilled some . And Democrats are teeing up for more . The Reaganite spell of anti-Liberalism has been broken. The opportunity to begin to rehabilitate and erase the public disdain for Liberalism fulfilled. 1930’s mass consciousness for today ! Now the Republicans have gotten very dangerous with their efforts at perpetrating a huge Fraud on the People stealing votes from the Democratic majority . But that’s desperation in the face of losing Georgia and Arizona. another opportunity fulfilled for the People’s Party , the Democratic Party .

1 comment:

  1. If you're suggesting creating the opportunity for the Kenyan UN speech and that it will succeed in guiding US et al foreign policy henceforth was worth the the dangers of unleashing and promoting reactionary imperialist US foreign policy and military practices, ok
