Friday, August 16, 2024

De-dollarization accelerates ... ... as China's RMB soars past the Euro, Yen; China builds a new financial system

by Kevin Walmsley

Inside China Business

on August 08 2024

11:07 Minutes 75,628 views 53,8000 subscribers

Worldwide adoption of China's currency, the renminbi (RMB), is gaining steam as the de-dollarization push takes hold across the non-G7 countries.

Two macro factors are accelerating the growth of the RMB in place of the US dollar as the preferred currency for trading and settlements. The economic sanctions against Russia, which froze and then seized billions of dollars of Russian USD reserves held in custody in Western banks, are forcing countries and companies to de-risk by moving their reserves from SWIFT-associated financial institutions. Another crucial factor is the high US interest rates, which are sucking in hundreds of billions of dollars from global accounts to feed huge and growing fiscal deficits.

High US government borrowing drains the USD from the global system. Ironically, this causes the USD to gain in value outside the US while feeding inflation and reducing the dollar's strength inside the country.

Simply by moving their USD and Euro reserves from the US and European banks to Chinese-based institutions, Chinese banks enjoy the best of all worlds: They receive billions of USD and Euro every day through trading surpluses and can then lend those foreign currencies and create assets and economic activity on their own balance sheets. Analysis of Chinese banking and lending data confirms explosive growth in Chinese lending abroad, in both RMB and USD.

Resources and Links:

Inside China Business, China isn't dumping dollars. They're dumping banks, and setting up a new financial system.

National Debt of the United States

SCMP, Global use of China's yuan up sharply, beating pound and yen on internationalisation index

The renminbi overtakes the euro as a trade settlement currency as its use in global trade finance accelerates

Bloomberg, The Yuan Is Finally Showing Some Muscle in International Trade

Third time lucky? China's push to internationalise the renminbi

Show transcript


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