Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bread and Roses 1912-2012

Women were the absolute power behind the success of the 1912 BREAD & ROSES STRIKE in Lawrence, MA. Here's how Bruce Watson describes where some of their energy came from in 'Bread and Roses' (2005). "When mill workers died, word spread through the tenements along a network linked by clotheslines and gossip, a network largely ignored by men and nurtured by women. Even before news reached the papers, women heard the names. just as they heard every time another infant a single week: Cara Meola, age one year and five months. Patricia Mdden, 16 days old. Margaret Burns, 3 months old. Ida Kappanan, nine months. Diseases now easily cured—diarrhea, measles, whooping cough, croop—killed hundred, most of them children...."

Photo: Women were the absolute power behind the success of the 1912 BREAD & ROSES STRIKE in Lawrence, MA. Here's how Bruce Watson describes where some of their energy came from in 'Bread and Roses' (2005). "When mill workers died, word spread through the tenements along a network linked by clotheslines and gossip, a network largely ignored by men and nurtured by women. Even before news reached the papers, women heard the names. just as they heard every time another infant a single week: Cara Meola, age one year and five months. Patricia Mdden, 16 days old. Margaret Burns, 3 months old. Ida Kappanan, nine months. Diseases now easily cured—diarrhea, measles, whooping cough, croop—killed hundred, most of them children...."

killed hundred, most of them children...."

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