Sunday, July 13, 2014


  •   What goods and services does the State of Michigan provide to Detroit ? Name something. One goddamn thing.
    harles Brown Wall Street couldn't pay its bills and got bailed out for trillions. GM and Chrysler couldn't pay its bills , and got bailed for 10 of billions. State of Michigan couldn't pay its bills, and got bailed for $7.8 billion. All of that was with federal tax money, some of which was paid by Detroiters. Bail out Detroit, all of it, the City , the water customers , all of it, just like the Wall Street trillionaires.
  • Charles Brown What have Detroiters gotten from the State of Michigan for the tens of billions of dollars in state taxes paid to Lansing over all these decades ? What goods and services does the State of Michigan provide to Detroit ? Name something. One goddamn thing.

    What goods and services does the State of Michigan provide to Detroit ? Name something. One ______ thing.
    What have Detroiters gotten from the State of Michigan for the tens of billions of dollars in state taxes paid to Lansing over all these decades ? What goods and services does the State of Michigan provide to Detroit ?
    State of Michigan give us back the tens of billions of dollars we paid you over the decades. Then we can bailout out our pensioners and water customers.

    How about tax revolt specifically against STATE taxes , a tax revolt from the left. There have been many right wing tax revolts in the last 40 years. The left has more legitimate tax gripes than the right, who are the rich.

      What do Muskegon taxpayers to the State of Michigan get for their money in goods and services from the State ?
    Dylan Hock Very little, it seems. Our roads are atrocious. Our schools are failing. Police are brutalizing and criminalizing the community, and they are expanding the county jail against the community's wishes without looking at or bringing in rehabilitation programs for nonviolent drug offenses. This town is completely asinine. I would leave it in a second if I had the opportunity.

    • Help must be based on some type of 'needs assessment'. Otherwise, we might be paying some chicken's bill just because...
    • Charles Brown We would be paying them chicken feed compared to what we pay the state of Michigan just because... Why don't we constantly complain about paying taxes to the State and not getting the equivalent back in goods and services ?

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