Monday, April 15, 2024

CY ! /// , We can abolish the Republican Party as We know it, because a large percentage of Republican voters will drop out of voting because they are Trump fanatics , so the Democrats will win large majorities in the House, Senate and state legislatures . Then We will be able to reverse Reaganism across the board and establish universal affordable healthcare ( as in Canada), decent minimum wage, rebuild labor union rights , voting rights, abortion rights, and a green economy , affordable student loans , public education etc.

If We can defeat Trump, many of his fanatical followers will drop out of voting all together , and We will be able to wipe out the Republicans in subsequent elections at all levels of government .

We'll have a Constitutional Convention after We abolish the Republican Party as We know it and go over the Supreme Court's head. That's how We, the People , will abolish the Republican majority in the Courts. Graham : "end of our party" Yes abolish the Republican Party as We know it. //

"George Will performs an autopsy on Lindsey Graham." Text: "Back in the day, small rural airports had textile windsocks, simple and empty things that indicated which way the wind was blowing. The ubiquitous Sen. Lindsey O. Graham has become a political windsock, and as such, he — more than the sturdy, substantial elephant — is emblematic of his party today. When in 1994, Graham, a South Carolina Republican, first ran for Congress, he promised to be “one less vote for an agenda that makes you want to throw up.” A quarter-century later, Graham himself is a gastrointestinal challenge. In the past three years, he had a road-to-Damascus conversion. In 2015, he said Donald Trump was a “jackass.” In February 2016, he said: “I’m not going to try to get into the mind of Donald Trump, because I don’t think there’s a whole lot of space there. I think he’s a kook, I think he’s crazy, I think he’s unfit for office.” And: “I’m a Republican and he’s not. He’s not a conservative Republican.

He’s an opportunist.” Today, Graham, paladin of conservatism and scourge of opportunism, says building the border wall is an existential matter for the GOP: “If we undercut the president, that’s the end of his presidency and the end of our party.” Well.

Six years after its founding, the Republican Party produced the president who saved the nation. The party presided over the flow of population west of the Mississippi, into space hitherto designated on maps as the Great American Desert. (The Homestead Act of 1862 was enacted by a Republican-controlled Congress.) The Morrill Act of 1862 (Vermont Rep. Justin Morrill was a Republican) launched the land-grant college system that began the democratization of higher education and advanced the science-intensive agriculture that facilitated the urbanization that accelerated the nation’s rise to global preeminence. The party abetted and channeled the animal spirits that developed the industrial sinews with which 20th-century America defeated fascism and then communism. Now, however, Graham, whose mind might not have a whole lot of space for pertinent history, thinks this party’s identity and survival depend on servile obedience to this president’s myopia. During the government shutdown, Graham’s tergiversations — sorry, this is the precise word — have amazed. On a recent day, in 90 minutes he went from “I don’t know” whether the president has the power to declare an emergency and divert into wall-building funds appropriated by Congress for other purposes, to “Time for President . . . to use emergency powers to build Wall.” The next day, he scrambled up the escalation ladder by using capitalization: “Declare a national emergency NOW. Build a wall NOW.” Two days later, he scampered down a few rungs, calling for his hero to accept a short-term funding measure to open the government while wall negotiations continue. Stay tuned for more acrobatics. But stay focused on this: Anyone — in Graham-speak, ANYONE — who at any time favors declaring an emergency, or who does not denounce the mere suggestion thereof, thereby abandons constitutional government.

Yes, such a declaration would be technically legal. Congress has put on every president’s desk this (to adopt Justice Robert Jackson’s language in his dissent from the Supreme Court’s 1944 Korematsu decision affirming the constitutionality of interning of U.S. citizens and noncitizens of Japanese descent) “loaded weapon, ready for the hand of any authority that can bring forward a plausible claim of an urgent need.” Or an implausible one. However, an anti-constitutional principle would be affirmed. The principle: Any president can declare an emergency and “repurpose” funds whenever any of his policy preferences that he deems unusually important are actively denied or just ignored by the legislative branch. Why do they come to Congress, these people such as Graham? These people who, affirmatively or by their complicity of silence, trifle with our constitutional architecture, and exhort the president to eclipse the legislative branch, to which they have no loyalty comparable to their party allegiance? Seven times, Graham has taken the oath of congressional office, “solemnly” swearing to “support and defend the Constitution” and to “bear true faith and allegiance” to it, “without any mental reservation.” Graham, who is just 1 percent of one-half of one of the three branches of one of the nation’s many governments, is, however, significant as a symptom. When the Trump presidency is just a fragrant memory, the political landscape will still be cluttered with some of this president’s simple and empty epigones, the make-believe legislators who did not loudly and articulately recoil from the mere suggestion of using a declared emergency to set aside the separation of powers." "The fact is that the G.O.P., as currently constituted, is willing to do whatever it takes to seize and hold power. And as long as that remains true, and Republicans remain politically competitive, we will be one election away from losing democracy in America." CB: So, our goal must be to make the Republican Party not competitive, or as I've been saying abolish the Republican Party as We know it as California has. The G.O.P. Goes Full Authoritarian ~ Paul Krugman Only Trump’s flamboyant awfulness stands in the way of his party’s power grab. ...The Republic Party is composed of outright feudalists blended with devout fascists. Their goal is to put their "saintly" and moneyed boot on everyone's neck and for you to behave as they would have you behave (in abject obedience) or be forced to behave that way. Text: "Donald Trump, it turns out, may have been the best thing that could have happened to American democracy. No, I haven’t lost my mind. Individual-1 is clearly a wannabe dictator who has contempt for the rule of law, not to mention being corrupt and probably in the pocket of foreign powers. But he’s also lazy, undisciplined, self-absorbed and inept. And since the threat to democracy is much broader and deeper than one man, we’re actually fortunate that the forces menacing America have such a ludicrous person as their public face. Yet those forces may prevail all the same. If you want to understand what’s happening to our country, the book you really need to read is “How Democracies Die,” by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. As the authors — professors of government at Harvard — point out, in recent decades a number of nominally democratic nations have become de facto authoritarian, one-party states. Yet none of them have had classic military coups, with tanks in the street. What we’ve seen instead are coups of a subtler form: takeovers or intimidation of the news media, rigged elections that disenfranchise opposing voters, new rules of the game that give the ruling party overwhelming control even if it loses the popular vote, corrupted courts. The classic example is Hungary, where Fidesz, the white nationalist governing party, has effectively taken over the bulk of the media; destroyed the independence of the judiciary; rigged voting to enfranchise supporters and disenfranchise opponents; gerrymandered electoral districts in its favor; and altered the rules so that a minority in the popular vote translates into a supermajority in the legislature. Does a lot of this sound familiar? It should. You see, Republicans have been adopting similar tactics — not at the federal level (yet), but in states they control. As Levitsky and Ziblatt say, the states, which Justice Louis Brandeis famously pronounced the laboratories of democracy, “are in danger of becoming laboratories of authoritarianism as those in power rewrite electoral rules, redraw constituencies and even rescind voting rights to ensure that they do not lose.” Thus, voter purges and deliberate restriction of minority access to the polls have become standard practice in much of America. Would Brian Kemp, the governor-elect of Georgia — who oversaw his own election as secretary of state — have won without these tactics? Almost certainly not. And the G.O.P. has engaged in extreme gerrymandering. Some people have been reassured by the fact that the Democratic landslide in the popular vote for the House did, in fact, translate into a comparable majority in seats held. But you get a lot less reassured if you look at what happened at the state level, where votes often weren’t reflected in terms of control of state legislatures. Let’s talk, in particular, about what’s happening in Wisconsin. There has been a fair amount of reporting on the power grab currently underway in Madison. Having lost every statewide office in Wisconsin last month, Republicans are using the lame-duck legislative session to drastically curtail these offices’ power, effectively keeping rule over the state in the hands of the G.O.P.-controlled Legislature. What has gotten less emphasis is the fact that G.O.P. legislative control is also undemocratic. Last month Democratic candidates received 54 percent of the votes in State Assembly elections — but they ended up with only 37 percent of the seats. In other words, Wisconsin is turning into Hungary on the Great Lakes, a state that may hold elections, but where elections don’t matter, because the ruling party retains control no matter what voters do. And here’s the thing: As far as I can tell, not a single prominent Republican in Washington has condemned the power grab in Wisconsin, the similar grab in Michigan, or even what looks like outright electoral fraud in North Carolina. Elected Republicans don’t just increasingly share the values of white nationalist parties like Fidesz or Poland’s Law and Justice; they also share those parties’ contempt for democracy. The G.O.P. is an authoritarian party in waiting. Which is why we should be grateful for Trump. If he weren’t so flamboyantly awful, Democrats might have won the House popular vote by only 4 or 5 points, not 8.6 points. And in that case, Republicans might have maintained control — and we’d be well along the path to permanent one-party rule. Instead, we’re heading for a period of divided government, in which the opposition party has both the power to block legislation and, perhaps even more important, the ability to conduct investigations backed by subpoena power into Trump administration malfeasance. But this may be no more than a respite. For whatever may happen to Donald Trump, his party has turned its back on democracy. And that should terrify you. The fact is that the G.O.P., as currently constituted, is willing to do whatever it takes to seize and hold power. And as long as that remains true, and Republicans remain politically competitive, we will be one election away from losing democracy in America." Cathy : "I'm opposed to the 2nd Amendment. We need to get rid of it, and the Republican Party. Guns are meant to kill, they serve no other purpose. Republicans are bad for our country. Trump's proof of that. There's not an intelligent one in our entire Congress! They're a bunch of greedy, assholes. They, and the 2nd Amendment have to go!" CB: Abolish the Republican Party as We know it. The important thing is to see Trump as part of the long term Republican disaster ( Nixonians, Reaganites ) and make Trump a reason to abolish the Republican Party as We know it. Trump is the symptom ; the Republican Party for 50 years is the epidemic. CB: Abolish the Republican Party as We know it ; follow the California example . 2012: "California here it comes: Perhaps the biggest surprise this year was the likely achievement of a two-thirds Democratic supermajority in both state legislative houses - a feat the party last achieved in 1883. While the state Senate's supermajority is assured, achieving it in the Assembly hinges on the outcome of two very tight races. A two-thirds majority would let Democrats raise revenues without votes of Republican legislators, all of whom have signed a no-new-taxes pledge. For years, lack of such a supermajority has allowed the Republican legislative minority to block any new revenues. "CB : Abolish the Republican Party as we know it. California has been a harbinger of the direction of the whole nation in politics in the last 40 -50 years. Steve : "Sorry to say, they're way too entrenched to be abolished." CB: They were entrenched in California, too. Nixon and Reagan came from California. They've been abolished as we knew them in California . If we had a series of landslides as with Franklin Roosevelt, you wouldn't recognize the Republican Party. On May 12, 2021, at 3:08 PM, Maure Briggs wrote:  Well, of course ! What do you expect ??? When the Dems go right, the Republicans go further right. Hey, the Dems use to be the anti-war party. now, the Republicans are more anti-war. Maure Briggs -----Original Message----- From: Charles Brown To: a-list ; Sent: Wed, May 12, 2021 12:15 pm Subject: [marxism-thaxis] Fwd: the far right has taken over the GOP -- we can't let them take over Congress Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: stop the QAnon caucus Date: May 11, 2021 at 8:00:35 PM EDT To: Charles Brown Subject: the far right has taken over the GOP -- we can't let them take over Congress Reply-To:  Charles, don't let far-right extremists take over Congress: Make a 3x MATCHED donation >>> House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has let far-right extremists run wild. The QAnon Caucus has already taken over the Republican party -- we can't let them take over Congress. But that's exactly what will happen if Democrats lose our EXTREMELY NARROW majority! We've been sounding the alarm about this threat to our democracy, which is why one of our top donors has agreed to TRIPLE MATCH all donations for a limited time. Rush a 3X-MATCHED gift right now > > 3X-MATCH: $5 >> 3X-MATCH: $35 >> 3X-MATCH: $50 >> 3X-MATCH: $100 >> 3X-MATCH: $250 >> Donate another amount >> Here's the problem: Kevin McCarthy and his extreme colleagues have already broken MULTIPLE FUNDRAISING RECORDS this year! There's nothing Kevin McCarthy wants more than to become Speaker McCarthy, and his wealthy mega-donors are lining up to help make it happen. Honestly, our current rate of donations is nowhere near what it needs to be to catch up to McCarthy's fundraising. But if [181] Democrats from Michigan chip in just $5 right now, we might be able to get back on track before the end of the month. Charles, if you want to make sure Kevin McCarthy and his QAnon Caucus NEVER get a hold of the Speaker's gavel, rush a 3X MATCHED contribution now >>> 3X-MATCH: $5 >> 3X-MATCH: $35 >> 3X-MATCH: $50 >> 3X-MATCH: $100 >> 3X-MATCH: $250 >> Donate another amount >> -- Democratic Majority: HMP This message was sent to: Click here to receive fewer emails. | Click here to unsubscribe. Consistent with federal law, House Majority PAC makes its federal contributions from one account (the “Contribution Account”) and engages in the rest of its political activity from the other account (the “Non-Contribution Account”). You may contribute up to $5,000 per calendar year to House Majority PAC’s Contribution Account. You may contribute an unlimited amount to House Majority PAC’s Non-Contribution Account. 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Because President Obama said it best: President Obama: You need to vote because our Democracy depends on it. Donate $5 to Protect Our House Majority >> President Obama is right, Charles. We can’t sit back and let Republicans ruin our democracy. That’s why we send you so many emails. We rely on grassroots supporters like you to fuel our efforts to take Republicans down. Our average online donation is $12.56. And we put every cent to good use to make sure our Democratic Majority has the resources they need to win. We know we send you a lot of emails, so if you’d like to receive fewer emails you can click here. If you’d like to unsubscribe from our emails altogether, you can click here. If you’d like to chip in and invest in our Democrats, you can click here. If you'd like to connect with us on Facebook, click here. If you'd like to follow us on Twitter, click here. From everyone here at team House Majority PAC, we’re so grateful for your support! 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