Monday, January 29, 2024

Developed critique of post modernism in self-explanation and intellectual biography to Cockshott ; reputation damaged by trans-crazies' defamation of moi on Face. Bk

Sent from my iPhoneI'm very, very dedicated to classical Marxist theory as articulated by Marx, Engels and Lenin , partly because I have studied it so intensely for 30+ years now; and partly because it's true ! After getting graduate degrees in anthropology and law, at thirty , I joined the Communist Party . I read many Soviet authors , and lots of the main works of the founders . I had already been in the cultural materialist and evolutionist school of anthro at the University of Michigan , so I understood the basic concept of materialism, economic determinism.

I basically did an auto -didactic degree in Marxism. I left Levi-Straussian structural anthropology ( for post-"primitive" societies , especially capitalism ) for historical materialism . The structure is not rigid but fluid in capitalism- "all that is solid melts into air". But having been a structuralist allows me to critique Foucault and the postmodernists "from the inside " in a way that most people cannot . I know semiotics , binary oppositions in the structure of language and culture, etc. I can also extract any rational kernel from the postmods and discard the mystical idealistic husk. Trans theory is husk; there's no such thing as transferring from one _sex_ to the other ; and it's not easy to change genders , and not to the opposite one but third genders. Sex is a technical and very fundamental biological term that is defined by _ objective inborn physical characteristics NOT SUBJECTIVELY BY WHAT AN INDIVIDUAL THINKS. That is per se subjective idealism, not materialism or Marxism.

Sex is 100% biologically or naturally determined; not socially constructed at all. Gender is BOTH biologically and socially constructed. The Foucaultians have the position that sex and gender are 100% socially constructed ; sort of two -thirds false ! Outrageous that it is the theory accepted by many . I'm discovering that most internet left intellectuals are not clear that sex is only two , impossible to transfer from one to the other . So, the post-mods run ragged over the whole thing with most people standing there silent unable to critique them. It's astonishing mass ignorance of biology among the left "intelligentsia ".

Gender , basically an anthropological term because one must look at all the cultures of the world and history to define it, is the cultural form in which a culture "houses " sex. SO, AT BASE IT IS ON ANALOGY , A SEMIOTIC STRUCTURAL ANALOGY, TO THE BINARY OF SEX . Then culture ( not nature and biology) goes on to define third genders; but there are still basically men and women based on analogy to sex. AND THE GENDER BINARY BASE SHOULD NOT BE ABOLISHED , AS SEEMS TO BE THE GOAL OF LGBT IDEOLOGISTS. That is a fundamentally reactionary , anti-materialist goal. We must abolish male supremacy, not gender. We must continue to respect human NATURE even as we transcend it in many ways through culture. Human nature includes the sexual binary of reproduction. It's indelible for the species . Culture cannot and should not try to wipe out the reflection of natural sex in gender . The whole 2.5 million years ( Homo Habilis ) of the Stone Age had gender and gender equality. Male supremacy is not in our nature , but the sex BINARY is.

Viva la difference !

And there _is_ human NATURE. A main principle of the postmods and intellectuals who have various disguised idealist philosophical beliefs , especially literary criticism theory , is that there is no human nature (!) ; we are 100% socially constructed . Sort of there's no such thing as biological anthropology or medicine for that matter . According to postmods and lit critters and romantics, we've transcended the natural world , and can be and do whatever we think. Basically , it's super naturalism like religion . It is a form of creationism without God. They think a so-called trans-sexual can change sexes just because they THINK it. That's solipsism . Intelligent design by an individual by himself . A human's sex is determined by her thoughts not her objective bodily characteristics.

By the way, I realized that Hegelianism is a form of INTELLIGENT DESIGN, the term for those who challenge Darwinism saying evolution is due to the acts of an "Intelligence", anthropomorphizing the laws of nature.

I'm not arm chairing it. I'm a well known political economic activist for 30 years in Detroit. I've been to demos in Washington and NYC dozens of times. My career as a lawyer has been in legal services for the poor and working class, not the rich.

I'm a militant womsn's liberatiinist . You saw my essay critiquing Engels and Marx on the women's question; using the fundamentals of _their_ materialism to critique Marxism. And I love them ; it's not revisionism , but extrapolation of their fundamental materialist, species being logic . I have a paper on materialism - _why_ is history a history of class struggles - which digs deeper into why materialism.

Anyway, I say that to say I want to pass on my knowledge to the next generation . Marxism is a profound truth; I want to convey that truth to others. I am a dedicated REAL Marxist. Basically , I am personally offended at fake Marxists spreading non-Marxism as Marxism. These trans "Marxists" are of course not materialists , and thereby can't be Marxists. But even worse, Bruce Jenner is obviously a male supremacist . It's quite interesting how the LGBT force has substantially silenced the feminists on this. Probably the Lesbian component has quieted the feminists. Actually, M____ is a Hegelian , not a Marxist. She's with Notes and Letters , the followers of the late Raya Dunayevskaya. They are Hegelians and try to claim that Marx didn't mean it when he said he's the opposite of Hegel's dialectic , and that he's a materialist. (See one Afterward to second German edition of Capital)

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