Monday, December 5, 2022

Re: [marxism-thaxis] Exposing transgenderism for what it is : A lie

However, the term transgender dates back to the 1960's, before anybody, at least in the US, had ever heard of postmodernism. The term was coined by the psychologist John F. Oliven of Columbia University in his 1965 reference work Sexual Hygiene and Pathology. And in that same year, he published an article, . "Sexual Hygiene and Pathology" in The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 250 (2): 235. There, he wrote, "Where the compulsive urge reaches beyond female vestments, and becomes an urge for gender ("sex") change, transvestism becomes "transsexualism." The term is misleading; actually, "transgenderism" is what is meant, because sexuality is not a major factor in primary transvestism. Psychologically, the transsexual often differs from the simple cross-dresser; he is conscious at all times of a strong desire to be a woman, and the urge can be truly consuming.", p. 514. In other words, Oliven was proposing to replace the older term, transsexualism, with his own term, transgenderism. The older term had been coined by Magnus Hirschfeld back in 1923.

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