Friday, December 19, 2014

Embargo about keeping USAmericans from knowing the truth about the Cuban Revolution

The left should recall and applaud the long resistance of tiny Cuba to the northern Goliath.

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  • Dan Cordtz What else would be expect from The Nation? Obviously, the jury will be out on this for a generation or more
  • Charles Brown no, not obviously. probably we will know soon. The big thing is the Cubans will have influence in the US. The Cubans will have much influence with Black Americans. Obama has opened the door to revolutionary influence in the US.
  • Dan Cordtz I can't dispute your judgment about the impact on black Americans, Charles, but I don't share your belief in the likelihood of revolution in this country. Nor do I necessarily trust its long-term strength in Cuba itself.
    6 mins · Like
  • Charles Brown I don't think it will cause revolution, but , on your longer term timeline, it may contribute to raising US to revolution. More Americans will find out that socialism is ok, and say , "why not here". Cubans are culturally more like Americans than Russians or Chinese are. The embargo has always really been in big part about keeping Americans from knowing the truth about what is going in the revolution in Cuba.
    4 mins · Edited · Like
  • Charles Brown The Cuban revolution has spread to Latin America at large. We are long past the time when the US might dislodge it. You have to take account of the fact that a large fraction of what there is in the WHOLE US media about Cuba are big lies. It is not about to collapse economically , nor are the people susceptible to the "temptations" of capitalism because they are poor. They are smarter than we are, and I mean the average person in Cuba. It is a truly democratic society. The People have power.
    Just now · Edited · Like

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