Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blame Reagan For America’s Persecution Complex, Victim Mentality and Decline

"Many Americans are perplexed as to why low intellect Americans, predominately in the bible-belt and red states, consistently vote
against their own best interests; often with full knowledge they will
increase their own suffering. It is due in great part to their
persecution complex and victim mentality as well as their inherent
stupidity. However, for over thirty years Republicans have pounded into
their pea-brains that until Reagan conservatives destroy the government, hand the nation to corporatists, and replace the Constitution with the Christian bible, they will be victims of “a hostile alien force” intent on persecuting them with fascist programs such as food stamps, Social Security, minimum wage, Medicare, Medicaid, roads, and schools."
Conservatives in the 21st Century, from Republicans to Koch-libertarians have embraced, perpetuated, and transformed Reagan's extremist language into party policy to great...

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