Sunday, May 12, 2024



Republicans are a bunch of lying demagogues, tellers of half-lies, prevaricators.

We must get rid of the GOP ! We must get rid of the GOP 1

Like the old, old Whig Party, the ole, ole Republican Party has got to go, go, go onto the garbage heap of American history. It gets worse every day ! Every damn day , some stupid Republican says something fascist , just beyond the pale , unconscionable. There's a rightwing insanity epidemic in the tea Republican Party.

No both parties do _not_ work for the same bosses ! Vote Democrat !

Republicans used to pretend that they hate tariffs , Russians , bailouts , budget deficits and debts: the Grand Ole Party of Liars only cares about getting more of the total amount of money in the system to the rich, the One Percent , the One capitalists , who already have most of it; and beating down the 99% economically and socially. This is socioeconomic fascism.

And budget deficits and debts: the Grand Ole Party of Liars only cares about getting more of the total amount of money in the system to the rich, the One Percent , the One capitalists , who already have most of it; and beating down the 99% economically and socially. This is socioeconomic fascism.

CB: Republicans' war on Women is its central fascist plank.

Jim says : "I’ve been somewhat amused to listen as both old and young progressives argue about whether Trump is a “real” fascist. I love reading about the history of antifascist resistance during the 30’s and 40’s, and have enjoyed greatly my associations with antifascist fighters from that period. But this discussion is pointless and gets us nowhere.

The facts are the Republican Party has waged an unceasing campaign against American democratic institutions for the last eight years, since the election of Obama, who they tried to delegitimize with their birther movement. You don’t think they have become a fascist movement? Fine! Call it what you want, put whatever label you want on it.

Now days the Republicans don’t even try to hide their nihilism.

They have tried to shut the government down, destroy Social Security and Medicare and shred the safety net. They have fought tooth and nail against any effort to hold Wall Street and the financial industry accountable for their deprivations against the American people.

Their scapegoats extend to Muslims, undocumented immigrants, feminists and people of color who they blame for all of America’s woes. They also attack and harass scientists who try to warn us about the dangers and consequences of climate change.

They tried and are still attempting to undermine the Iranian nuclear agreement, going so far as to use the Israeli prime minister as a weapon against our president.

They have had some success in sabotaging health care reform, suppressing voting rights, gerrymandering voting districts, destroying workers’ ability to collectively bargain, and restricting women’s rights to control their bodies. They continue to vilify gay and transgender people. They have sought to obstruct and undermine the entire federal judiciary, not just the Supreme Court.

They have encouraged their followers to consider violence and taking up arms if they are unable to win at the ballot box. State Republican leaders have threatened succession.

The modern Republican Party is not the party of Lincoln. Nor is it the party of Eisenhower. It’s not even the party of Nixon. It represents the greatest threat to America since the Confederate states succession.

Let us not be distracted by the Bundy’s, the play-soldier militias, the Klan or the other assorted pathetic pawns. They have no power beyond a few guns and bullets that give their empty lives some purpose. It’s the Republican Party that is the greatest threat to our society, and the sooner we understand that the sooner we will be able to unite to counter their threat.

Is the Left going to discuss the fact that we are in fascism ? No because the Republicans are the fascist party and the Democrats are NOT a fascist party nor are the Democrats enablers , or fake opponents of the Republicans. So, the Left ( all of it almost , so ultra-left is redundant) can't call out the fascism because that would violate their number one dogmatic principle that there is no difference between the parties.

You both are right on ! Trumpist Republican Party is the Reaganite Republican Party in the nude , revealing it's essence, at its logical conclusion : anti-working class, white supremacist and male supremacist

Thomas : "The Republican Party is turning into a fascist party much like Le Pen's National Front in France. The GOP is now so far to the the right from even the GOP of even Barry Goldwater's and dare I say, Ron Reagan."

George : "Goldwater, Nixon and Ronnie Raygun laid the foundation for the current mess. They hid behind lofty slogans, but they were fundamentally saying the same crap!"

Bruce : "We are not allowed to compared the Nazi-like behavior of the Republican Party to Nazis because it upsets them. So here's a question. In the 1930s, who did people refer the actual Nazis to earlier in history? What was the most evil group people would have heard of to call the Nazis?"

CB: Exactly: use of "Nazis" or "fascist" now is rhetorical , even if the Republicans are not just like Hitler or Mussolini's parties. Calling Hitler a Nazi then wouldn't inform people because the Nazis hadn't murdered tens of millions yet. You'd have to say tyrants or barbarians . Rosa Luxembourg said "Socialism or Barbarism " before the Nazis.

Got to call Republicans fascists to alarm people, though Americans are generally very ignorant of history , even World War II history.

CB: US is under a fascist Republican Troika - Congress , President and Supreme Court ; evolved fascism since Reagan

It continues... -The Supreme Court just upheld the Trump anti-Muslim travel ban. -The Supreme Court also just upheld the right of pro-life centers to prevent abortions by deceiving women about their true purposes. To do otherwise, the "Court" claims, would infringe on the centers' First Amendment rights...

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