Thursday, August 12, 2021

Darwin’s claim of superiority of men over women contradicts his own theory that fitness is measured by population growth of a species, because women have a superior role in perpetuation of our species

by CHARLES BROWN Darwin’s claim of superiority of men over women is refuted by his own theory that fitness is measured by population growth of a type ; women play a superior role in perpetuation of the human species .

- @@@@ Here’s the direct refutation of Darwin’s claim * that human males are superior to human females .

@@@@ Superior in what sense ? For Darwin the most important superiority would be playing a superior role in raising our species’s fitness ,  playing  a superior role in our being selected for , no ? 

@@@"@ Secondly , for Darwin , the ultimate measure of fitness is size and trend of the _population_ **. If it’s increasing   , the species is fit; if decreasing toward extinction, unfit or selected against  . Women play a superior role to men in reproducing our species population , pregnancy , birth , childcare . Therefore , women are superior to men in Darwin’s own theory of natural selection as applied to the human race; women are more important than men in increasing population; the logic of Darwin’s theory refutes his statement that men are somehow superior to women.

@@@@@@ Over 100,000’s of years , our species population has been increasing as compared with other primates and mammals . That’s our claim to Darwinian fame . Women can claim more than half of the credit. 

@@@@ * “ In The Descent of Man, Darwin argued that evolution made man “superior” to woman. For Darwin, that superiority largely played out in the intellectual and artistic realm. He wrote: “If two lists were made of the most eminent men and women in poetry, painting, sculpture, music—comprising composition and performance, history science and philosophy … the two lists would not bear comparison.” Spencer echoed Darwin’s sentiments and went further, postulating that in order for the human race to flourish, women must devote their lives to reproduction.“

@@@ Ironically, Spencer states the fact that makes women superior to men in raising the Darwinian fitness of Homo sapiens.

@@@ Blackwell made a successful critique of Darwin and Spencer. She asserted that balance and cooperation within the human species played a more important role than competition and savage rivalry in humans successful perpetuation and growth of the human population. 

@@@@@@@@"" “ Blackwell chose to highlight balance and cooperation rather than struggle and savage rivalry. She criticized Darwin for basing his theory of evolution on "time-honored assumption that the male is the normal type of his species".[7] She wrote that Spencer scientifically subtracts from the femaleand Darwin as scientifically adds to the male.[6] It was not until one century later[8] that feminists were working from inside the natural sciences, and could address Darwin's androcentricity.[1]”


“ Darwin concludes in his book, The Descent of Man, saying that men attain "a higher eminence, in whatever he takes up, than can women—whether requiring deep thought, reason, or imagination, or merely the use of the senses and hands."[2]“ CB : However, women attain a higher imminence in _reproduction_ , the key practice for perpetuating and increasing the population size of our species - the Darwinian test of fitness.  @@@

** Some discussions of Darwinian fitness focus on individuals passing on genes . However , Darwin’s theory concerns the increase or decrease in the population of a _type_ or species , a phenotype, not an individual's success . Darwin did not know about the modern concept of genes , but extending his theory to genes ,  it concerns perpetuation or extinction of geno-TYPES and GENOMES .  

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ That's not idealistic . It's MATERial , real , fact; Females pregnate, birth and childcare the males and the females, both . Those are the key projects for perpetuation of the species. Perpetuation of the species is the Darwinian test of fitness , being selected for.

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