Saturday, May 15, 2021

Hartmann - Oligarchy ; Mussolini oligarchic Fascism

Randy : “Is it any less of a fascist coup if it happens in slow motion? Asking for a friend.”

CB : “No It’s been going on for a while . I warned of fascist tendency in the Republican Party 15 years ago; there is no premature anti-fascism .

McConnell stealing the Supreme Court seat was a step . Then the vast , years long suppression of Democratic votes is exactly institution of oligarchy .

Republicans are Mussolini fascists , oligarchists

the fasces are the bundle of rods with SPQR ( Senatus Romanus Popilusque ) the coat of arms at head of Roman soldiers . Mussolini named the Fascist Party after them

Republicans subscribe to this oligarchic , anti-Democratic part of Mussolini fascism and other parts

“ After Socialism, Fascism ( US Republican Party - CB ) combats the whole complex system of democratic ideology, and repudiates it, whether in its theoretical premises or in its practical application. Fascism denies that the majority, by the simple fact that it is a majority, can direct human society; it denies that numbers alone can govern by means of a periodical consultation, and it affirms the immutable, beneficial, and fruitful inequality of mankind, which can never be permanently leveled through the mere operation of a mechanical process such as universal suffrage.... .

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