Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Two problems in the Chip War: We need China to build semiconductors, and we need China to buy them

Two problems in the Chip War: We need China to build semiconductors, and we need China to buy them

by Cyrus Janssen

at Inside China Business

on October 03 2024

07:04 minutes


74,600 subscribers

Korean technology companies are examples of the issues we face in our semiconductor export bans with China. China is dominant in key chokepoints of the supply chain, especially high-grade polysilicon and wafers, and certain rare earth elements necessary for the production of the newest-generation chips.

Korean firms also are heavily exposed by their own factory production, which is concentrated in China for the manufacture of intermediate components.

Most of all, though, is the chips firms' reliance on China as a sales channel. China is by far the biggest buyer of semiconductors, and the rest of the world simply cannot replace Chinese firms as buyers. So to comply with US and EU demands for further chip restrictions is to imperil the survival of our own companies.

Resources and links:

Bloomberg, US Asks South Korea to Toughen Export Curbs on China Chips https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articl...

Japan Times, South Korea wants U.S. ‘carrots’ for embracing China chip curbs https://www.japantimes.co.jp/business...

Waferpro, China’s Dominance in the Global Silicon Supply https://waferpro.com/chinas-dominance...

The Global Semiconductor Supply Chain: Key Inputs https://bbnc.bens.org/semiconductors-...

Korea Times, Korean chipmakers' reliance on Chinese raw materials deepens https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech...

Bloomberg, China Warns Japan of Retaliation for Possible New Chip Curbs https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articl...

Rabobank, Mapping Global Supply Chains – The Case of Semiconductors https://www.rabobank.com/knowledge/d0...

Closing scene, Fuxian Lake, Yunnan province


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Sunday, October 13, 2024

2011: White supremacy surges in Michigan state government

By Shields Green

Circa February 2011

Republican Governor Rick Snyder, State Treasurer Andy Dillon and the Republican legislators are ratcheting up for a white supremacist* takeover of Detroit from its people and elected officials as has already been done with the Detroit Public Schools.

They are aggravating the law, empowering an emergency financial manager to act as an un-elected dictator, seizing all the powers of the mayor and city council, who are chosen by the People of Detroit, attack city workers� wages and benefits and take control of all the city�s assets. We can expect that they will dispose of the assets to further enrich suburban and out-state rich people.

The new dictatorial, un-American law is going through the legislature lickity split headed for the governor to sign. They are preparing to steal the vote of the Detroit Black majority.

It is not a surprise that this happens as we celebrate for Black History Month, our first, all-Black Detroit City Council.

This state action is the culmination of many years of out-state takeovers of majority Black Detroit by majority white populations out-state. The DPS takeovers by Governors John Engler and Jennifer Granholm were preceded by the abolition of Recorders� Court, the abolition of city residency requirements for city workers, snatching of Cobo Hall, and federal court takeover of the water department. The majority of white Michiganders also passed a Constitutional Amendment outlawing affirmative action.

The latest colonialist, white supremacist action is done under the phony claim that Detroit is fiscally irresponsible.

This comes from a state that is more than a billion dollars into fiscal irresponsibility; a state that used a huge swathe of federal stimulus money to cover-up its own �fiscal irresponsibility,� all the while with its White Supremacist Tea Partiers denouncing President Obama, who is Black, for providing said stimulus money.

Can you belieive it? In other words, out of one side of the Republican mouth, they won the mid-term election by attacking President Obama and on the other side of their mouths. Instead of providing some of the money for impoverished Detroit, they use the $7.8 billion in Stimulus money from Obama

(http://www.house.mi.gov/hfa/PDFs/ARRA%20Forum%20Dec%202009.pdf )

to hide their own bankruptcy and then turnaround and move to steal Detroit's public wealth to enrich their sectors.

The state has reneged on a deal between Engler and former mayor Dennis Archer to pay Detroit more than $200 million (which would balance Detroit's deficit) while restricting Detroit from raising its income taxes. Thus, the state is forcing the city into an alleged "fiscal irresponsibility" as a "shell game "to seize the city's "wealth and power.

Both Michigan and Detroit are in difficult fiscal straits, not because of the failings of government, but the failings of private business, finance and industry which have caused Michigan to fall into a one-state depression and Detroit into a 30-year depression.

The People United will not be defeated. Fight the Powers that be!

*We use white supremacist rather than racist because the white supremacists have reversed the meaning of the venerable sixties rhetorical term "racist" in the public dialogue to use it mainly to slander Black people as "racist or reverse racist."

Hopefully ," white supremacist" will be more difficult to pervert .

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 9:16 AM, Pat Fry wrote: /////// Shields Green Article Talk Language Watch Edit Shields Green (1836? – December 16, 1859), who also referred to himself as "Emperor",[1]: 387 [2][3] was, according to Frederick Douglass, an escaped slave from Charleston, South Carolina, and a leader in John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, in October 1859.[1]: 387 [4] He had lived for almost two years in the house of Douglass, in Rochester, New York, and Douglass introduced him there to Brown. Shields Green Green awaiting his trial after the Harpers Ferry raid Born c. 1836 South Carolina, U.S. Died December 16, 1859 (aged 22–23) Charles Town, Virginia (now West Virginia), U.S. Cause of death Hanging Resting place Winchester, Virginia (grave unknown) Other names Emperor Known for Raid on Harpers Ferry Criminal charges Murder and inciting a slave insurrection; charge of treason dropped Criminal penalty Death by hanging Criminal status Executed Although Green survived the raid unwounded, he was tried, convicted, and executed by hanging on December 16, 1859, together with three other raiders. All the trials and executions took place in Charles Town, West Virginia (at the time Charlestown, Virginia), county seat of Jefferson County. At John Brown's execution two weeks prior, very few spectators were permitted, for security reasons. Now there were no restrictions, the judge wanted the executions to be seen by the public,[5] and there were 1,600 spectators.[6][7] At the time, legal as well as illegal hangings were entertainment.[8][9] Green was the only one from the raid on Harpers Ferry that Frederick Douglass mentioned alongside iconic rebels Nat Turner and Denmark Vesey;[10][11][12] Douglass "eulogized [him] with rare pathos".[13][14]: 27  In an article on courageous negroes who revolted he is mentioned alongside Douglass himself and Haitian leader Jean-Jacques Dessalines.[15][16] In Silas X. Floyd's Floyd's Flowers, or Duty and Beauty for Colored Children, Green is a Black hero like Crispus Attucks, Toussaint l'Ouverture, or Benjamin Banneker.[17] Floyd calls him a martyr. Lack of information about Green Physical appearance Names Green's speech Green's life Frederick Douglass's account Comments on Green's personality Meeting of Brown and Douglass in Chambersburg Green and Douglass The Harpers Ferry raid Green's trial Green's execution Legacy and honors