Thursday, December 21, 2017

Democratic paths to retake the USA

Yes , if the Republicans lost Trump's fanatical followers the Democrats could  win veto proof majorities in 2018; and of course President in 2020. Republicans are losing their non-Trump fanatics steadily and Independents, because of Trump.So, they're sort of damned if they do and damned if they don't , between a rock and a hard place . If they start losing some of the 32% of fanatics, too, we can do it. Only 25% for tax scam may mean some Trump suckers are leaving the Republicans.

Not wishful thinking that Republicans are losing Republicans and Independents ; polls on tv announced it.

Smith: "That's because it's Republiklans vs Republicans and Democrats."

Thelma : "Send $3 to Nancy Pelosi.  Tell her America sent you."

CB: The tax scam is a ripoff for Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street ...again . Occupy Wall Street, the Republicans' "Doners."

Republicans Despise the Working Class, Continued

The GOP tax plan is remarkably unpopular. According to the latest NBC poll, only 24% of the public thinks it’s a good idea; 63% believe that it’s mainly for the rich and corporations [editor: it is], while only 7% think it’s aimed at the middle class. Republicans think it will become more popular over time; that’s not what happened with previous tax cuts, and as Drew Altmanof Kaiser Family Foundation notes, everyone – even Republicans – hates the idea of cutting major social programs to pay for tax cuts, which is exactly what the GOP plans to do.
How did they manage to produce this political lemon? Josh Barro argues that Republicans have forgotten how to talk about tax cuts. But I think it runs deeper: Republicans have developed a deep disdain for people who just work for a living, and this disdain shines through everything they do. This is true both on substance – the tax bill heavily favors owners over workers – and in the way they talk about it.

No shit Sherlock Holmes 


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